Contribution to project 4

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Krishna vamsi Vipparthi

Mar 7, 2023, 11:29:46 AM3/7/23
to MDAnalysis Google Summer of Code
I am Krishna Vamsi, a pre-final year student at NITW. I possess intermediate python skills and am passionate about physics. I want to contribute to project 4: "Transport property Calculations". I have installed MDAnalysis on my device. Can someone guide me on where to go from here?

Estefania Ojeda

Mar 7, 2023, 1:27:36 PM3/7/23
to MDAnalysis Google Summer of Code,
Hello Krishna!
Welcome to MDAnalysis! 

I’d recommend to do the Quickstart Guide first. 
One you are familiar with MDAnalysis, next step would be to contribute by fixing some issues in our issue tracker

As per the MDA GSoC FAQ,  candidates must have code merged to be eligible to apply for GSoC with MDAnalysis (see

For more information check our MDA GSoc FAQ and the contributing section of the User Guide
We have detailed explanations on how to set up a developer environment and how to contribute to the MDAnalysis code base. This is a great starting point to start contributing to MDAnalysis and trying to solve some of the open issues.

Our blog post is the starting point for all GSoC 2023 things and we have a FAQ

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