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Project Update: Internationalization

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Rajat Vijay

Jul 18, 2023, 11:35:04 AM7/18/23
to Mathesar Developers

- Majority of the FE work is done. Enabling i18n for the component library and small bits related to pluralization is left.
- To take a break from moving string, started working on the BE tasks in it, and already discussed this with Mukesh.

Rajat Vijay

Jul 24, 2023, 11:11:00 AM7/24/23
to Mathesar Developers
  1. Spent the whole last week working on the BE-related tasks.
    1. Enabling Django and DRF translations
    2. Internationalize templates on the BE.
    3. Let authorized users choose the preferred language from the profile page & save it in the DB
    4. Let anon users choose the language from un-auth pages
    5. Language selector on the profile page
  2. Stuck on initializing the translations dictionary after loading the translations chunk in parallel
    1. Load translations file parallel to the FE code's first chunk


Rajat Vijay

Jul 31, 2023, 3:21:32 AM7/31/23
to Mathesar Developers
  • Load translations file parallel to the FE code’s first chunk
  • Update the styling of the language selector on an un-auth page as per the product’s design lang
  • Translate the application when the user changes the language from the profile page
  • ESLint rules for erroring on untranslated(literal strings) inside the svelte template.
  • Separate & small PRs for easier review.


  • Extracting & Creating Import/Export flow PR
  • Replacing remaining translations PR
  • Figuring out if the above-mentioned ESLint can be modified to find untranslated strings in the TS files and component script tags too without throwing false negatives.
  • Documentations
  • Getting PRs reviewed.

Rajat Vijay

Aug 7, 2023, 7:53:31 AM8/7/23
to Mathesar Developers

Support Internationalization

General Update

There are 6 open PRs stacked on top of each other

  1. [i18n] RichText component - Pending Review
  2. [i18n] Django templates translatable - Approved
  3. [i18n] Load “en” translations parallely - Pending Review
  4. [i18n] Save preferred_language for auth user in db - Pending FE review, BE review approved
  5. [i18n] Language switcher for anon users - Pending FE review, BE review approved
  6. [i18n] Export & import translations - Pending Review

Once #2 is approved, I will raise the PR for translating all of the strings within the FE codebase since #2’s review might need some changes in it. This should be a faster review since it will have the same thing repeated in all of the files.


  • Figuring out if the above-mentioned ESLint can be modified to find untranslated strings in the TS files and component script tags too without throwing false negatives.
    • I have implemented one part of it.
    • Sent out an email to discuss the remaining two parts.
  • Documentations (The main focus of this week)
  • Getting PRs reviewed


  • Extracting & Creating Import/Export flow PR
  • Replacing remaining translations PR
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