Hi all,
This is our monthly in-person, informal meetup @Makespace for anyone interested in bio and tech.
Signup on Meetup here https://www.meetup.com/makespace/events/291824574/
This is very much an informal event with no set activities. It is a chance for people to discuss ideas, work on their own biotech projects, or help with ongoing ones (both hardware and software).
Ongoing projects:
- Modify a low cost off-the-shelf beer cooler to become a piece of high tech biolab kit.
- Improvements to build a smartphone-to-digital-microscope-conversion adaptor: https://www.instructables.com/10-Smartphone-to-digital-microscope-conversion/
Is anyone interested in developing a raspberry pi camera to fit onto the binocular microscope so we can show the samples we're looking at on a screen.
Or do you have another project in mind? Come along..
Join the Biology Club email group for updates and discussions: https://biology-club.makespace.org/