Outreach and Retention Committee Meeting Notes

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J.R. Logan

Sep 27, 2023, 7:20:36 PM9/27/23
to Outreach-Committee, bo...@makehaven.org
Attending: JR, Kate

Upcoming Events:

Pizza Party and Night Market are scheduled for this Saturday.
Event Details: https://www.makehaven.org/event/autumn-pizza-maker-celebration-potluck
Note: Volunteers are needed, especially since Kate will be busy setting up for the Night Market.

Website Analytics:

Reviewed Google Analytics for the MakeHaven website.
Google has transitioned to a new version; more time is required to configure the account and understand the data.
A volunteer task has been created to assist with this: https://www.makehaven.org/task/configure-and-optimize-google-analytics-account-makehavenorg
If successful, similar assistance may be sought for analytics related to Instagram, Facebook, and Google ads.

Photo Album for Outreach:
JR initiated an album for photos from tabling and other outreach events.
Photo Album Link: https://photos.app.goo.gl/KKefiP1qRpukLowL9
The aim is to have institutional memory and track outreach efforts.
Staff and volunteers are encouraged to contribute photos.
Discussion topic: Should we include photos from on-campus meetings with specific outreach goals or only from off-campus outreach?

Meeting Attendance:
There were concerns about the lower attendance than expected for this meeting. Suggestions to improve attendance include automatic notifications for calendar invites. JR setup notification for future committee meetings:
  • Email notification 1 week before the meeting.
  • Email notification 6 hours before the meeting.
  • Calendar notification 10 minutes before the meeting.
Planning & Structure:
Members, especially the chair and staff, are encouraged to review the overall structure and quarterly topics in advance for better planning.
Planning Structure Link: https://www.makehaven.org/volunteer-leadership-structure

J.R. Logan
Executive Director

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We can help you become a paid or volunteer instructor at MakeHaven. Let us know you are interested at: https://www.makehaven.org/instructor

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