content app rootPath and permissions

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Samuli Saarinen

Jan 4, 2023, 9:27:19 AM1/4/23
to Magnolia User Mailing List

Is there a way to configure content app to show listings from first node that user has permission to under the root node.

e.g. I have a content app that specifies the rootPath as "/foo" and a user that has permission to "/foo/bar/baz". In this situation it seems that I have to give read permissions to "/foo" and "/foo/bar" and read&write to "/foo/bar/baz" or otherwise the content app won't show anything.

BR, Samuli

Roman Kovařík

Jan 4, 2023, 9:44:30 AM1/4/23
to Magnolia User Mailing List,
Hi Samuli,

This is not possible. I believe it could introduce some unexpected behavior, e.g. what if the user has access only to /foo/A and also to /foo/B, would he see only /foo/A?
Showing the parent elements structure only when having at lest the read write permission might be also seen as correct behavior security wise.
Any chance the users could use the list view instead?


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