I noticed the diff module has a dependency to the workflow module (because of HumanTask being used in isSpaPage rule).
If i include the diff module but exclude all workflow dependencies then i do get a ClassNotFoundException in the pages app, because if the isSpaPage rule within the compare Actions decorated by the diff pages module.
However, i only want to use the diff module, no workflows etc.
What's the best to do in that case?
I thought i decorate the pages app from my own module and "remove" the isSpaPage rule like this:
compareVersions: !override
icon: icon-show-versions
$type: openDialogAction
dialogId: diff-pages-app-integration:compareVersions
availability: ¬DeletedAndHasVersionAndIsNotSpaDefinition
$type: jcrIsDeletedRule
negate: true
$type: jcrHasVersionsRule
icon: icon-show-versions
$type: openDialogAction
dialogId: diff-pages-app-integration:compareToPreviousVersion
availability: *notDeletedAndHasVersionAndIsNotSpaDefinition
However in decorations app i still see the isSpaPageRule.
Added the diff-pages-app-integration also as a dependency to my module descriptor, so that
my decoration is loaded last:
Is that the right approach?
Or would it be better to add the workflow module and remove the 4 eye workflow again?
Thanks and cheers,