Magnolia GraphQL available now

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Christopher Zimmermann

May 25, 2021, 8:48:56 AM5/25/21
to Magnolia Announcements Mailing List

Hi everyone,

After a private beta program, followed by a public beta, we are happy to announce general availability of the GraphQL module.

Getting content via API's is the foundation of a Headless CMS approach. The new GraphQL standard for working with content over API empowers frontend developers to be able to get exactly the content that they need from Magnolia. 

Due to its standardized approach, it's easy for developers to start using. This standardization also makes it easier for other systems to connect and integrate with Magnolia.


The GraphQL endpoint is available instantly. For each Magnolia content type in the system, GraphQL types are automatically created. You only need to configure your desired access rights for the content, and the endpoint is ready to use.

 The GraphQL endpoint provides access only to Magnolia content types. Content from Pages or Stories is not supported. The REST delivery endpoints are the best suited for these content. 

 The GraphQL endpoint is read-only. It delivers Magnolia content, it does not support writing or changing Magnolia content.

 Learn more about Magnolia's GraphQL support:

Note that the module is released, but not included in the 6.2 bundles. Get GraphQL by following the documentation. GraphQL is a DXCore feature, not available in Community Edition. 

We welcome your feedback.

Thank you, 

Topher & the Magnolia team

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