---------- Forwarded message ---------
David Isenberg <is...@isen.com>Date: Sun, Feb 18, 2024 at 10:14 AM
Subject: Gigi Sohn videos
To: Samuel Patterson <
sh.pat...@verizon.net>, ED Swartz <
eswar...@aol.com>, Jim Newman <
j...@whmsi.com>, Courtney Bird <
courtn...@verizon.net>, Scott Koerner <
CC: Marilos Snowman <
capes...@gmail.com>, Mary Harris <
mharr...@gmail.com>, Cullinane, Jason <
jason.c...@gmail.com>, Karen Olcott <
ka...@karenolcott.com>, Jack Belcher <
jbelch...@outlook.com>, Stephen Tom <
steph...@gmail.com>, Peter Clark <
pela...@icloud.com>, Stephen Smith <
st...@cctechcouncil.org>, Jenn Brann <
je...@opencape.org>, Steve Johnston <
sjoh...@opencape.org>, Robert Espindola <
respi...@fairhaven-ma.gov>, B <
mccarter...@gmail.com>, Doug Brown <
doug....@falmouthma.gov>, <
john....@newbedford-ma.gov>, Lannigan, Mark (Markey) <
Mark_L...@markey.senate.gov>, Shawn Gross <
digitale...@gmail.com>, Robert Dwyer <
rdwy...@gmail.com>, Sean Gonsalves <
I've gotten several requests for videos of the several events that Gigi Sohn's
visit to our region catalyzed. Here are the videos I've found so far.
Falmouth Select Board, Feb. 12 -
Ms. Sohn's presentation begins at 31:00
Falmouth Broadband Forum, Feb. 13 -
Mass Broadband Coalition Feb. 14 -
If people on this list know the URLs for videos of the Cape Cod Tech Council
event on Feb. 13 or the OpenCape event on Feb. 13, please send them to me, or
directly to all the folks copied above.
There's also a detailed post-visit news article in last Friday's Falmouth
Thanks to everybody who attended, participated and helped! With cooperation
like we saw for Ms. Sohn's visit, with all of us pulling in the same
direction, we can anticipate the growth of world-class all-fiber networks
in our region in the very near future!
Please feel free to forward this email to any and all interested parties!
David I
508-548-5924 land
203-661-4798 cell