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February 14th 10:00 A.M. Meeting of the Mass Broadband Coalition - RSVP

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Robert Espindola

Feb 1, 2024, 1:50:03 PM2/1/24
Massachusetts Broadband Coalition Members,

As I have indicated in prior emails, we are very fortunate to have Gigi Sohn from the Benton Institute and the American Association for Public Broadband join us for our February 14th Meeting.

Gigi will be in person at the Fairhaven Town Hall, located at 40 Center Street from noon until 11:30.  The space is reserved until noon in case anyone would like to stick around after for a bit.

The Meeting will be hybrid so you can also feel free to join us using the link below.

One thing that would be very helpful, however, is if you could please indicate if you intend to attend the meeting and please indicate if that will be in person or via Zoom.  That would be very helpful with logistics of setting up the space.  If you are unsure but hoping to attend, please just let me know by Friday, February 9th .  There will be plenty of room for everyone so we do not want anyone not to attend because they did not respond.

Please see the attached Press Release issued by our friends in Falmouth,  as well as the links below to the Benton Institute and AAPB

Gigi would like to start by addressing the following topics and to keep the list fairly short to allow Q&A Time.  If time permits, we can expand the list on the fly.

  1. The importance of public broadband
  2. Recent "Dark Money" attacks (what communities in Massachusetts and across the country are experiencing in opposition to community Broadband)
  3.  The future of the ACP program (and possible alternatives). 
  4. Other topics (time permitting) Bead Challenge,  Successful funding models, Regional Advocacy,anything members would like to discuss..
Please let me know if you think I missed anything important.

I hope to see a good turnout.

Thank you,


Please use the following Zoom link:

Topic: Broadband Coalition

Feb. 14 10am -12pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 869 1403 4573

Passcode: 617132

GigiSohn_Press Release_Falmouth.pdf

Robert Espindola

Feb 2, 2024, 8:40:45 AM2/2/24
Thank you David Cole for pointing out my typographical error. The meeting on February 14 will start at 10:00 AM and run through until noon time with Jigi present from 10 o’clock until 1130.

Sorry about the confusion there.


Robert Espindola

Feb 13, 2024, 10:24:33 AM2/13/24
Good morning everyone,

I wanted to check in with you all again regarding participation in the Mass Broadband Coalition meeting scheduled for tomorrow between 10:00 and Noon at the Fairhaven Town hall and also available virtually.

So far, my count is about 7-8 attending in person (including myself) but perhaps there are a few of you who might still consider joining us to meet Gigi Sohn in person who have not yet responded.

In Fairhaven, we are particularly interested in the Dark Money discussion because we are planning to have an article on Town Meeting warrant in May this year asking the community about their support for a potential Fiber to the Home project and we know that Dark Money has had a major influence on proposed projects throughout the country.

Gigi has a personal story to tell in this area as she will discuss how Dark Money was involved in blocking her appointment in the Biden Administration.  That should be very interesting to hear about.

If you will not be here in person but do intend to join us virtually, please let us know that.  I think it would be great to have at least 20 in attendance combined between in person and virtual.



On Thu, Feb 1, 2024 at 1:49 PM Robert Espindola <> wrote:

David Cole

Feb 13, 2024, 11:19:39 AM2/13/24

I plan to attend. But whether in person or on line will depend on  road conditions.
David Cole

Visit for more information.
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Sean Gonsalves

Feb 13, 2024, 11:47:28 AM2/13/24
to David Cole,,
I’m doing a fireside chat with Gigi in about 20 mins and hope to be there tomorrow. I’m setting table on muni broadband across country and Massachusetts and Gigi will delve into dark money campaigns against muni broadband. Oh fwiw, we just ran a report on our data base and discovered that in MA the average size of community-wide muni FTTH networks is 6,675, which is lower than national avg of 15,000 

Sean Gonsalves
Associate Director for Communications
Community Broadband Networks Initiative 
Institute for Local Self Reliance

Peter Chasse

Feb 13, 2024, 12:16:29 PM2/13/24
to Robert Espindola,
Hi Bob,
    I still plan to attend in person. See you tomorrow.

Peter Chasse
Director of Media 
Dartmouth Community Media
Town of Dartmouth,  MA
247 Russells Mills Road
Dartmouth, MA

From: <> on behalf of Robert Espindola <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2024 10:24:20 AM
To: <>
Subject: [Massachusetts Broadband Coalition] Re: February 14th 10:00 A.M. Meeting of the Mass Broadband Coalition - RSVP

Bill Seiz

Feb 14, 2024, 7:57:26 AM2/14/24
to Peter Chasse, Robert Espindola,
Hi Bob,

DUC will join via Zoom,


From: <> on behalf of Peter Chasse <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2024 12:16 PM
To: Robert Espindola <>; <>
Subject: Re: [Massachusetts Broadband Coalition] Re: February 14th 10:00 A.M. Meeting of the Mass Broadband Coalition - RSVP
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