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Mass Broadband Coalition Meeting

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McClure, Christopher

Jan 22, 2024, 10:26:09 AM1/22/24

Christopher McClure is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

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Robert Espindola

Jan 22, 2024, 10:35:45 AM1/22/24
to McClure, Christopher,
Thank you Chris.

Also, confirming that the February 14th event with Gigi Sohn will be from 10:00 AM until noon in the Auditorium of the Fairhaven Town Hall, 40 Center Street.

Thank you,


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Robert Espindola

Jan 23, 2024, 11:20:00 PM1/23/24
to McClure, Christopher,
Broadband Coalition Members.

Here is what I have for an agenda for our meeting on Thursday at 4:00 P.M.

Please feel free to reply with any additional suggestions.

1)  Discussion about MBI / NDIA Workshop held on Wednesday, January 24th.  Anyone who was in attendance will be encouraged to relay to those who did not what they learned.
2)  Discuss topics we may want to ask Gigi Sohn about.
  Shawn Gross and I spoke about this and came up with at least a few suggestions (not necessarily in order) but would like to know if you have additional suggestions or if you have any thoughts on prioritizing this list, please let me know.
  • Lack of Adequacy / Accuracy of FCC Maps (what are other parts of the country doing? Advice?)
  • Anti-trust policies (anything other States are doing in this area that we should consider?)
  • Make ready legislation - advice
  • Public Private Partnerships vs. Municipal Ownership
    • Concerns about developing infrastructure with partners who may, over time, sell back to the original incumbent
  • Municipal Light Plants vs Enterprise Funds (what other States are doing)
  • Best practices in advocacy
  • How can Coalition members benefit from working with American Association for Public Broadband -
Again, the idea is to pair down this list and any other ideas to a focused list of questions for Gigi.  Please be prepared to discuss on Thursday.

Also, it would be very helpful for set up reasons, to know how many of you would plan to be there in person (at the February 14th meeting with Gigi) vs. how many would be planning to attend via Zoom.

Thank you,


On Mon, Jan 22, 2024 at 10:26 AM McClure, Christopher <> wrote:
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