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Fwd: letter to MBI

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Nov 23, 2023, 6:48:54 AM11/23/23
to CCTC Infrastructure (, Broadband Resource Project 2023,
BEAD comments are due to MBI by December 15.

Please share, the attached letter from the Town of Bourne widely. 

It might help everyone trying to sift through the lengthy bead documents. 

This letter was a team effort between the Select Board and the only a few months old Cable Internet and Telecommunications Committee. 

Let me know if you have any questions or comments or concerns. 

Brian McCarter

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Robert Dwyer <>
Date: Wed, Nov 22, 2023 at 12:41 PM
Subject: Fwd: letter to MBI
To: <>, <>, Stephen Smith <>, Eugene Curry <>, Marie Oliva <>, Steven Tupper <>

Bourne Internet Supporters:

The attached letter from Bourne's Select Board to MBI presents our major comments on the Nov. 13 draft of their Internet For All Plan.  

The Select Board's CITAC  focused on the Challenge Process in MBI's Plan, since the FCC service maps appear to greatly overestimate the coverage and adequacy of the service provided by the current carriers.

There may be more issues that deserve Comment, buried in the rest of the 266 pages of the MBI Plan.  However, realistically, Bourne's CITAC Committee has very little remaining time to draft additional Comments, review and accept them by our full committee, then forward them to the Select Board in time for the only Select Board meeting scheduled before MBI's December 15 deadline to receive Comments.  However, we did note that the Cape Cod Commission is currently in the middle of a Digital Equity Planning Study for Bourne, funded by MBI; we reserved the right to submit relevant speed and service data from that study at a later date.

We think our Comments apply to many towns on the Cape.  Thus, you may wish to circulate this letter to any towns or entities with similar concerns about the MBI Plan and are considering sending Comments by the Dec. 15 deadline.

We wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!

Kind regards,

Robert Dwyer
Cable, Internet and Telecommunications Advisory Committee (CITAC) to the Bourne Select Board

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Marlene McCollem <>
Date: Wed, Nov 22, 2023 at 11:54 AM
Subject: letter to MBI
To: All Select Board <>
Cc: Robert Dwyer <>

Dear Select Board:
Attached please find a copy of your letter that was mailed today.


Thank you,



Marlene McCollem

Town Administrator

Town of Bourne

24 Perry Avenue

Bourne, MA 02532


O: 508.759.0600 x 1308

C: 774.722.4662



Robert Espindola

Nov 24, 2023, 7:32:02 AM11/24/23
to B,

Thank you for forwarding this information.  It looks like your Committee has done great work in a short period of time.

As requested, I’m forwarding your attached comments to members of the Massachusetts Broadband Coalition.  Perhaps others will want to follow your lead and submit similar comments locally or the Coalition will look to include similar comments in a letter as a group.



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