Photos of Rally

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Secretary LNC

Feb 20, 2023, 11:52:33 PM2/20/23
to lnc-business
Can we get some of those showing the crowd and our Chair kicking some serious booty on the home page?  I love the internal photos but in this trying time, we need to show we hit the streets.

Just a thought.  I leave it to those who maintain the site.
In Liberty, Caryn Ann Harlos
LNC Secretary and LP Historical Preservation Committee Chair ~ 561.523.2250

Angela McArdle

Feb 21, 2023, 12:30:49 PM2/21/23
to lnc-business

Angela McArdle, Chair

Secretary LNC

Feb 21, 2023, 12:36:16 PM2/21/23
Please please lets get these on the home page!

In Liberty, Caryn Ann Harlos
LNC Secretary and LP Historical Preservation Committee Chair ~ 561.523.2250

Secretary LNC

Feb 21, 2023, 12:36:49 PM2/21/23
Though honestly I would love to see the one with Arthur - we are fighting to make sure he HAS a future.

In Liberty, Caryn Ann Harlos
LNC Secretary and LP Historical Preservation Committee Chair ~ 561.523.2250

Angela McArdle

Feb 25, 2023, 7:12:07 PM2/25/23
to lnc-business
I uploaded these quickly and should have said we also got photos sent in from sister rallies across the country and the world. Thats what two of the earlier photos were. Im still getting photos sent to me, and the No2NATO rally happened today in Britain, which we lent support to as well.

Here are a few more from San Francisco, featuring Starchild.
I've shared more photos with staff so that they can utilitize them. There was also a painting done of the rally, and I'll try to get an image of that soon.
Angela McArdle, Chair
Leon Kunstenaar 10-05023-854_2098.jpg
Leon Kunstenaar 11-05023-854_2117.jpg
Leon Kunstenaar 45-05023-854_2316.jpg

Secretary LNC

Feb 25, 2023, 7:22:19 PM2/25/23
I also responded rapidly from my phone with my notoriously poor eyesight.  It was MY assumption that they were all from ours since I saw the one with you on it.  I did not examine closely as I was at the rally personally.

Guilty as charged.  Blind as a bat on my phone.  

Back to my point, I really would love to see photos from the rally on our site.  
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