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Joshua Smith

Feb 6, 2023, 4:54:50 PM2/6/23

Dear Fellow Colleagues,


I started this term out with much excitement. I spent 5 years fighting an old guard/regime who would gladly let slip the principles this party and ideology were founded on for political expedience. It was brutal. I sacrificed my time, my money, relationships, 2 jobs, a house, and more. I spent years on the road. I woke up in state after state trying to punt the overton window in this party as far away from what they were doing before as I could. For the first few years, it felt like I was an island with just a few others. We were mocked. Our families were attacked. Our pasts and personal lives scrutinized for every tiny detail. Disgusting tactics from those intent on keeping their mostly worthless positions of power. I have had jobs called. Family members harassed. Last year these losers literally called the DHS to try and stop us from adopting the sibling of our currently adopted children. It truly aged me physically and mentally by at least 10 years. We persevered though. Through all the slander and baseless attacks, we kept our heads high because we had a mission, and that mission was worth the pain we had to endure. That mission was to see an LP which represents bold, true libertarians. An LP with bold and brave messaging, unhindered by those who get squeamish over words and memes. An LP that would never, not for a second, sacrifice our principles in the name of “political expediency.” An LP that wasn’t constantly trying to play backroom games of thrones for titles that hold almost no bearing whatsoever to society at large. We were intent on building a platform that was welcoming to those who held their noses to the LP despite living those principles outside of politics.

Finally, a new board! New alliances! A stellar communications director who knows how to message, etc etc etc. Further proof that the work we did was worth every second and penny. To say I was ecstatic would be an understatement. For someone who was already extremely skeptical of using the political vehicle at all, I was enamored with the thought that this would be the year where the LP shined, and finally started making some headway.

Unfortunately, I cannot see much changing. I quickly noticed that many of these same backroom tactics would be employed, albeit much more quietly done than before. The same lust for power roles that had always made me skeptical of politics in general still exist here. The fighting is not over. The messaging for the party was handcuffed. Our staff, who have all mostly bled for this party in one way or another are out the door, and now we have the Rage Against the War Machine fiasco tied to us entirely. Seriously?  I’m as antiwar as any single person you know, but devout Soviet respecter Tankie Marxists threating to kill me if I show up to an event we are sponsoring? There is a line that must not be crossed. This event has crossed it. Never mind the credible charges and convictions of child predation for one of the speakers, which is absolutely terrible too (what the hell are we thinking?) This is not something that I, a proud antiwar activist for the better part of 18 years, can be part of or attached to. What the hell? Antiwar means antiwar. It doesn't mean applauding a side in a war, whether that side is right or wrong. Innocent people still die. I don’t really know if I have left the LP, or if the LP is just leaving me, but either way, this is not what I signed up for. 

Most of you on this board are not to blame for the full direction here. Most of you are amazing, and principled people, but please, don’t forget why we started this. Don’t forget the principles that brought you to this point. Don’t sacrifice those things for clout and political expediency. That makes you no better than those we replaced. Refuse to play the intraparty political games. Call out bad actors and actions. I have little faith left unfortunately, that politics will ever be a useful vehicle for our ideals, and I feel like I’ve wasted more than a decade of my life for something that will never give back to my family, my communist, and myself. Effective immediately, I resign my position as Vice Chair of the Libertarian Party, and all other Libertarian Party affiliations. 


I wish you all luck. I hope you do it. I hope you guys can get back to basics and remember the principles of the mission. I love (most) of you and I know that many of your hearts are in the right place. I just have to tap out here and can no longer sacrifice my family for whatever this is.  


In Liberty,

Joshua D. Smith 


Secretary LNC

Feb 6, 2023, 4:56:49 PM2/6/23
I love you Joshua and take wonderful care of your beautiful family.
In Liberty, Caryn Ann Harlos
LNC Secretary and LP Historical Preservation Committee Chair ~ 561.523.2250

Andrew Watkins

Feb 6, 2023, 5:00:48 PM2/6/23
Thank you for the time and effort you put into the party over the last several years. What you were put through was despicable to put it mildly. Good luck with your future endeavors!
Andrew Watkins | Region 5 Rep.

Joshua Smith

Feb 6, 2023, 5:05:47 PM2/6/23
My community*

Freudian slip!

Good luck all! 

Love ya Caryn Ann. Thanks for everything. 

Joshua Smith

Feb 6, 2023, 5:09:19 PM2/6/23
Andrew, you have the best mustache in the game and a great heart! Do great things, man. 

Dave Benner

Feb 6, 2023, 5:13:16 PM2/6/23
to lnc-business, Joshua Smith

I respect your decision, even in disagreement on the some of the particulars. We're brothers, and nothing will change that. Thanks for all the time you put in on the LNC over the years. It was a pleasure to work with you on the APRC especially.

Mark Tuniewicz

Feb 6, 2023, 5:42:52 PM2/6/23

Best of luck to you.

Mark Tuniewicz 

Dustin Blankenship

Feb 6, 2023, 5:47:35 PM2/6/23
Hi Josh!

Take care of yourself and family. I believe you have a lot of love from across this board. I have enjoyed working with you and believe you will find a way to continue to have the impact you seek on the world. 

I’ve nothing but love for you, my friend.



Dustin Blankenship

Feb 6, 2023, 5:53:07 PM2/6/23
Madame Chair,

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe it is necessary for a formal vote to accept the Josh’s resignation. 

If I am correct in my understanding, I move that the board formally accept the resignation of Joshua Smith from the role of Vice Chair.



Secretary LNC

Feb 6, 2023, 5:54:40 PM2/6/23
Mr. Blankenship, can you start a new thread for that - it will require sponsors.

In Liberty, Caryn Ann Harlos
LNC Secretary and LP Historical Preservation Committee Chair ~ 561.523.2250

Dustin Blankenship

Feb 6, 2023, 5:55:06 PM2/6/23
Will do

Linnea Gabbard

Feb 6, 2023, 6:13:35 PM2/6/23
I know we still have to formally vote Josh, but I want to thank you for your words which are wise reminders.
Linnea Gabbard
Region 7 Representative
Libertarian National Committee

Angela McArdle

Feb 6, 2023, 6:19:34 PM2/6/23
Thank you for your years of dedication, Josh. I hope you & your family do well, whatever you pursue next. We will always defend your family from gross personal attacks. You're a great father and it's been wonderful to watch you cultivate such a beautiful family.

Angela McArdle, Chair
Libertarian National Committee

Mike Rufo

Feb 6, 2023, 6:25:19 PM2/6/23

This one hurts. Your hard work and dedication to the movement is one of the things that has kept me going. I wish it didn’t come to this. I wish you nothing but the best for you and your family. 

I’m sure we’ll talk soon.


On Mon, Feb 6, 2023 at 4:54 PM Joshua Smith <> wrote:
Mike Rufo
LNC At-Large Representative 

Martin Cowen

Feb 6, 2023, 6:28:00 PM2/6/23
Thank you, Joshua, for your years of struggle. You always had a hug for me and I so much appreciate that.

We love you. You have a beautiful family. I love watching you/them on facebook.

We, here, will carry on.

Good luck to you and yours.


Martin Cowen
LNC Region Two Alternate

Otto Dassing

Feb 6, 2023, 6:50:42 PM2/6/23
Really wish it didn’t come to this. You gave so much of your life to the party for the past several years. I’ll forever be grateful for contributions to bringing me into the party many years ago. I hope this gives you more time to focus on being the great dad you are and raising some really based kids. Best of wishes to you and your family!

Todd Hagopian

Feb 6, 2023, 6:58:26 PM2/6/23
Thank you for your service, and for helping me out along the way, Josh.  You will be missed.  Best wishes to you and your family!
Todd Hagopian
LNC Treasurer

Feb 7, 2023, 5:38:33 PM2/7/23

Miguel Duque, R1 Rep
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