Major Changes Coming to LPHQ

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Angela McArdle

Feb 1, 2024, 9:58:44 AMFeb 1
to lnc-business
Hi everyone,

The Vice Chair and I have mulled over this decision with staff on and off for a few months and we've decided to rent out the building. *cue screams* Let me explain our decision and Mr. Watkins, who works in real estate, can weigh in if he wants to. 

The building is lovely on the outside, but the three-store condo style office building isn't big enough to hold LNC meetings or events. It's just too small. We have one employee working in the building right now. Staff is scattered all over the country and we work remotely. Outsourcing mailroom operations costs much less. We'll be able to redirect those funds towards fundraising, membership cards, and other things that I know our members want and that will generate revenue.

We appreciate all the hard work that our staffer put into mailroom operations and we'll be sending him off with a bang. He's been extremely helpful by giving us advice on how to make this transition smoothly.

There is appetite on the LNC to sell the building. I have no interest in trying to sell the building right now (so please don't agendize it). It is too logistically challenging and we have too many other things going on right now that demand my attention. Instead, we will continue to take care of the building, use the basement for storage, and find a suitable tenant.

Angela McArdle, Chair
Libertarian National Committee

Secretary LNC

Feb 1, 2024, 10:15:10 AMFeb 1
The building is terrible.  I support having a building.  The decision to buy THAT one was not wise.

In Liberty, Caryn Ann Harlos
LNC Secretary and LP Historical Preservation Committee Chair ~ 561.523.2250

Andrew Watkins

Feb 1, 2024, 10:36:24 AMFeb 1
I am by no means a expert, and my primary focus is residential, but this was just too much of a no-brainer. Eventually I do think we should sell the building, but to echo Angela I do not believe now is the right time for us to do that. We might as well have another income stream while we have it (and big thankies to those that paid it off), and with this move much of our expenses will be reversed.

I understand that having a building within the beltway fit the needs and desires of previous LNCs with wanting to have lobbying efforts and so on to some how inspire change within the federal government. Personally I find that unrealistic. Especially with that not having happened. The change we want to see will be obtained from the bottom up not the top down, and we are already seeing that with many of our members putting pressure on state legislatures to pass Defend the Guard. If we are to have a building I agree with what others have already stated. It should be large enough to host meetings, fundraisers, etc, a destination for volunteers, and not in the astronomically expensive cesspool that is DC.

Andrew Watkins
Vice Chair | Libertarian National Committee

Carota, apium, cepe, allium.

Andrew Watkins

Feb 1, 2024, 10:51:34 AMFeb 1
An* expert smh

Andrew Watkins
Vice Chair | Libertarian National Committee

Carota, apium, cepe, allium.

Angela McArdle

Feb 1, 2024, 10:53:34 AMFeb 1
The building isn't nice enough on the inside or laid out the right way to invite lobbyists there to schmooze. It's a narrow, tall office building with cubicle spaces. It's very charming on the outside and it's in a great neighborhood. It'll go to good use this way.

Angela McArdle, Chair
Libertarian National Committee

Secretary LNC

Feb 2, 2024, 12:48:26 AMFeb 2
For some reason, someone thinks this message quoted below was deleted.  No it wasn't and I stand by it:


Secretary LNC

8:14 AM (14 hours ago)
to lnc-business
The building is terrible.  I support having a building.  The decision to buy THAT one was not wise.


I honestly don't care WHERE we have a building.  THAT building was a bad choice.  We cannot even have an LNC meeting there.  We have no outside advertising.  We should have a building where we can have meetings, we have more storage and can have bold signage.

Rent or sell?  I don't care either way - depends on market conditions.  I am not a realtor.  The money has to stay in building fund and people forget the discussions at the time, this was ALWAYS intended to be a "starter" property.

In Liberty, Caryn Ann Harlos
LNC Secretary and LP Historical Preservation Committee Chair ~ 561.523.2250

Secretary LNC

Feb 2, 2024, 12:49:28 AMFeb 2
The Chair is right about the outside.  The area is completely charming and tasteful.  The inside is utterly unsuited to our needs.  It is a cubicle tower.

In Liberty, Caryn Ann Harlos
LNC Secretary and LP Historical Preservation Committee Chair ~ 561.523.2250

Mark Tuniewicz

Feb 2, 2024, 8:58:25 AMFeb 2

Any idea what we'll get for a monthly rent there?  Range?  Triple net lease?



Steven Nekhaila

Feb 2, 2024, 9:19:39 AMFeb 2
Fyi, a committee met a few times which discussed the HQ which I was a part of. I believe selling or renting HQ is the move, as the building does not currently serve our needs. I will always support having an HQ, and commemorating each wing that was dedicated to the individuals who contributed as we do now. But currently the floor plan is not conducive for meetings and is only beneficial for a cubical like office, which we currently no longer utilize as our employees are spread throughout the country. Furthermore, being in the belly of the beast has proven to be less beneficial than I believe previous LNC’s imagined, we have not taken advantage of the press club membership nor utilized the office for networking. I do not believe it’s conducive of the LNC’s current priorities.

Long term, we should consider relocating to a less expensive area, with a better designed floor plan for holding meetings, and more central in the US, with the added benefit of being outside of nuclear blast radius.


Steven Nekhaila

From: Mark Tuniewicz <>
Sent: Friday, February 2, 2024 8:58:12 AM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [lnc-business] Major Changes Coming to LPHQ

Secretary LNC

Feb 2, 2024, 9:22:11 AMFeb 2
That doesn't make for a good conspiracy theory Mr. Nekhaila.

But I believe in our budding fiction writers.

In Liberty, Caryn Ann Harlos
LNC Secretary and LP Historical Preservation Committee Chair ~ 561.523.2250

Adam Haman

Feb 2, 2024, 9:24:53 AMFeb 2
Mr. Nekhaila echoes my thoughts on this matter perfectly. 

Adam Haman
Region 1 Rep, Libertarian National Committee
Vice Chair, Libertarian Party of Nevada

Secretary LNC

Feb 2, 2024, 9:26:46 AMFeb 2
You guys are no fun.  I want Mr. Phillies "trusted LNC" rumor monger , errr, I mean "source" to stir up more fanfic.

In Liberty, Caryn Ann Harlos
LNC Secretary and LP Historical Preservation Committee Chair ~ 561.523.2250

Otto Dassing

Feb 2, 2024, 10:26:28 AMFeb 2
I agree that the layout of headquarters is a disaster and was not well thought out. The building interior is ugly, as well as the exterior compared to some of the beautiful historic buildings all around it. Renting it out is our best option at the moment. Location of a future headquarters that best fits this party’s needs is irrelevant to me. I’m pretty sure the center of the US is also in the “nuclear sponge” zone. Everywhere is in a “blast radius”. I adhere to the black pilled lyrics of legendary hardcore band The Cro-Mags from the song World Peace: “If aids don’t get you then warheads will.”

Went to a Catholic school.

Steven Nekhaila

Feb 2, 2024, 10:29:13 AMFeb 2
Motion to move LNC headquarters to an abandoned ATLAS nuclear missile silo.

From: Otto Dassing <>
Sent: Friday, February 2, 2024 10:26:14 AM

Secretary LNC

Feb 2, 2024, 10:29:40 AMFeb 2
You guys are being too reasonable.

Expect my post where I'm dramatically cutting you out of my will. 

In Liberty, Caryn Ann Harlos
LNC Secretary and LP Historical Preservation Committee Chair ~ 561.523.2250

Otto Dassing

Feb 2, 2024, 10:29:43 AMFeb 2

Went to a Catholic school.

Kathy Yeniscavich

Feb 2, 2024, 10:30:27 AMFeb 2
There are some Titan missile silos around Tucson. Some still intact.  

Kathy Yeniscavich
At Large Member, Libertarian National Committee

Steven Nekhaila

Feb 2, 2024, 10:34:50 AMFeb 2
I think we’re on to something, nothing shows our faith in the US government like moving our HQ to an underground bunker.

From: Kathy Yeniscavich <>
Sent: Friday, February 2, 2024 10:30:12 AM

Adrian F Malagon

Feb 2, 2024, 10:37:36 AMFeb 2
Fellow Brommittiee Members,

I say we move it to Argentina. 

We’ll get more bang for our buck once they get rid of their Central Bank.

Adrian F Malagon
At-Large Bro, Libertarian National Brommittee
Chair, Convention Oversight Committee
Chair, Libertarian Party of California

On 2 Feb 2024, at 07:34, Steven Nekhaila <> wrote:

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Will Hyman

Feb 2, 2024, 10:49:41 AMFeb 2
I am looking for support from this body to acquire this gem of a property in Harrison County, West Virginia.

Trump flags will convey with full price offer and close to 100 miles from nearest Nuclear target.

Martin Cowen

Feb 2, 2024, 10:57:45 AMFeb 2
ATL has a great airport. GA is not too woke. Weather is usually nice. I know many good lawyers. Y’all come on down!

Martin Cowen
LNC Region Two Alternate

Meredith Hays

Feb 2, 2024, 11:07:21 AMFeb 2
Renting for a period makes sense, but I’d be interested in looking at some projections for the area. I know in CA right now, we’re having a bit of a Catch-22 in many of my cases with the outrageous interest rates, and even with prices not falling to compensate, it’s still a seller’s market. If it’s at all possible to capitalize on a “sky high prices before a crash” situation, we should consider just offloading. Of course many think the crash will keep getting out off, but who really knows?

Meredith Hays
Region 4 Representative, Libertarian National Committee |

Steven Nekhaila

Feb 2, 2024, 11:12:39 AMFeb 2
I concur with Meredith,

But I would also like to be briefed on our tax liability situation and how the funds can be transferred to purchase a new property, etc. We could setup a position where we lease the property while it’s on the market, the new owners would be responsible for the lease. That may be an ideal situation as I believe the whole board more or less agree’s that the current HQ is not what we need. Having the funds in an escrow for a new property with the tax benefits would be ideal.


Steven Nekhaila

From: Meredith Hays <>
Sent: Friday, February 2, 2024 11:07:07 AM

To: <>
Subject: Re: [lnc-business] Major Changes Coming to LPHQ

Meredith Hays

Feb 2, 2024, 11:42:02 AMFeb 2
Off the top of my head, a 1031 exemption requires funds to be transferred to escrow immediately (30 days? 90 days?) to be transferred to another property, and can never actually go into an operating account of ours if we want to avoid capital gains. I’m not a tax attorney though so take what I say with a grain of salt - I’m just going off memory.

Meredith Hays
Region 4 Representative, Libertarian National Committee |

Gary Alvstad

Feb 2, 2024, 11:49:15 AMFeb 2
My BIL owns a 1031 exchange. This is what he told me:

“In a 1031 you can only sell investment property, you have to set up the exchange before you close on the sale property. Once you close the funds go into the 1031 trust account, you have 180 days to close on a new property but you only have 45 days to identify what that will be .while the funds are at the 1031 company, the exchanger has no control of the funds other than to send those funds to the new escrow to close.”

Gary Alvstad

Feb 2, 2024, 11:55:43 AMFeb 2
But wait, there’s more:

Also, you have to buy property of equal or greater value. You have to spend all funds and replace any debt. You can replace the debt with a new loan or cash to close. lastly you must take title the same way you sold.

Angela McArdle

Feb 2, 2024, 12:46:18 PMFeb 2
Selling is a headache. 

Angela McArdle, Chair
Libertarian National Committee

Mark Tuniewicz

Feb 2, 2024, 2:56:12 PMFeb 2

Of course, renting it out has its own set of costs.  I recall hearing somewhere earlier this term about a large amount of deferred maintenance including significant roof work needed.  Perhaps 20 grand worth all in?   

Perhaps the chair can provide details about those, as well as expected operating costs and expected revenue from this proposal.



Adrian F Malagon

Feb 2, 2024, 2:58:23 PMFeb 2
to lnc-business
I agree, selling is a headache. Good thing we’re renting it out.

Adrian F Malagon
At-Large Rep, Libertarian National Committee
Chair, Convention Oversight Committee
Chair, Libertarian Party of California

Meredith Hays

Feb 2, 2024, 4:42:44 PMFeb 2
Well I’ll be damned. Gary owned me.

Meredith Hays
Region 4 Representative, Libertarian National Committee |

Adrian F Malagon

Feb 2, 2024, 5:31:50 PMFeb 2
A man, correcting a woman? Surely this is a first.

Adrian F Malagon
At-Large Rep, Libertarian National Committee
Chair, Convention Oversight Committee
Chair, Libertarian Party of California

On 2 Feb 2024, at 13:42, Meredith Hays <> wrote:

Andrew Watkins

Feb 2, 2024, 6:06:58 PMFeb 2
Adrian, that is a very male-icious thing to say.

Andrew Watkins
Vice Chair | Libertarian National Brommittee

Carota, apium, cepe, allium.

Paul Darr

Feb 4, 2024, 6:54:32 PMFeb 4
Seeing as the property is being underutilized pursuing leasing the property does make sense. I would just caution that the same interior issues that make the property undesirable for our current uses would also make it less desirable for potential tenants. So the property may need some renovation to be lease ready. Luckily later lease income can make this budget neutral if costs are kept in check. 

LPTexas has had staff act as lobbyists in Austin the past few legislative sessions. From that experience, if there is a desire to have staff performing lobbying in the future, having basic living accommodations and basic work space is what our staff has needed. The majority of their work isn't schmoozing in opulent locations as we don't have the money for that type of lobbying. They spend long hours in legislative sessions and speaking to representatives and their staff at their offices. I just thought I would share that observation of what is needed in case the subject comes up again.


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