Voter Gravity FAQ

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Angela McArdle

Oct 10, 2023, 3:08:08 PM10/10/23
to lnc-business
Hello everyone,

Voter Gravity signups are live and we've received several signups from candidates already. Voter gravity is a great canvasing tool that will help your campaign generate walk lists, call lists, and provide support in several other cool ways!

We'd like the help of state chairs and state political directors on approving candidates. We're erring on the side of over-approving as opposed to under-approving or gatekeeping. If someone is a member in good standing and has declared intent to run for a particular office and you are confident they will follow through (sign up with the elections office, etc), then please approve him/her.

State chairs have been sent a login to make approvals. You may share it with your Vice Chair and political director, if your state has that position. Please do not share this publicly or we will have to change the approval process. Our aim is to get approvals within 72 hours of signups, going forward. If you are struggling to get approvals done that quickly, the Candidate Support Committee, myself, and the Vice Chair can help push through candidates that we can personally verify.

Additional FAQ from our Contract with Voter Gravity:

We are not approving anyone who has expressed interest in running for office but has not declared for a specific office yet. Please be specific when you sign us. Designate the actual office you are running for. not just "office" "congress" or "city council".

The state chairs were given the breakdown for the costs. We're not posting the costs publicly because it puts our vendor at a disadvantage to negotiate contracts with their other customers/clients. Please contact your state chairs for the cost breakdown if you are a candidate. If you are not a candidate, but you want to go post the costs publicly in a Facebook group or twitter, please go to

No, we do not have an arrangement to share anyone's data with the GOP. If you are worried that we will secretly share your data with the GOP, please go to

Angela McArdle, Chair
Libertarian National Committee

Secretary LNC

Oct 10, 2023, 3:12:56 PM10/10/23
No, we do not have an arrangement to share anyone's data with the GOP. If you are worried that we will secretly share your data with the GOP, please go to


Or they can just heed some ancient wisdom: 
Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from telling lies.
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