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Acknowledging our failures on the LNC

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Mark Tuniewicz

Oct 4, 2023, 7:45:40 PM10/4/23

I got a couple of upset emails from members of the LNC about a rare social media post of mine in one of the uncensored LP delegate groups.  Anyone reading it certainly sensed my frustration with our progress on the LNC.

I just wanted to say.....there's nothing ugly or dishonest about speaking the truth.  Truth to power, I believe, is the expression.  I've got nothing personal against the chair, have not sought to humiliate her or anyone else.  Our lack of results is what this is about.  Metrics matter.  IMO most of ours are bad. And there has been zero refutation of anything I wrote in that one, solitary post.

Publicly acknowledging failures is something that mature organizations do.  It's something that we as leaders can and should do.  It's not an insult to acknowledge reality.  

Our members are wise enough to know things have been going poorly over much of this term, notwithstanding some recent fundraising wins...which I was glad to hear about.  A couple of months hitting six figures would be nice, but it's by no means cause for celebration, when you look at our recent 26% budget cuts for 2023, and our upcoming ballot access needs.  It's not all rainbows and unicorns out there.

And there are storm clouds still our last Region 6 Roundtable video meeting, multiple states reported that, while contacting members for renewals, they were having difficulty overcoming member objections to renewing related both to the MC takeover and to changes in the platform made (abortion, bigotry) at the last convention.  

My Alternate Mr. Redpath and I are gave some verbal examples and will provide some written talking points to help them overcome those objections.  But these are unforced errors, friends. Organizationally, they keep us from attaining much, much more.  They are unnecessary barriers to our success, which I believe in part are reflected in our declining membership stats.

Personally, I hope everyone on the LNC and elsewhere realizes you can be both completely committed to seeing an organization have success, while at the same time being concerned about how things have been going.  They are two sides of the same coin.   

I haven't been a life member since '94 for nothing, haven't served on 5 state boards just for the fun of it, haven't worked so hard during my tenure in my native New Hampshire and much more... and now I have to spend time helping the 9 states in my region rebound from the ill effects felt throughout the Region (and I suspect, the Party) since Reno? 

That's not an insult.  It's just the truth.

With best wishes,

Mark Tuniewicz ("tune-YEV-ich")
Region 6 Representative
Libertarian National Committee, Inc.

Secretary LNC

Oct 4, 2023, 7:49:27 PM10/4/23
I'm sure those LNC members love you using a private communication to posture as you continually do.

Please don't respond.  I'm not your prop.

Adrian F Malagon

Oct 4, 2023, 8:01:33 PM10/4/23
to lnc-business
Mr. Tuniewicz,

There is nothing noble about your constant negativity, half-truths or need to grandstand.

I’ve done more in my short time on this Board than you have this entire term because I would rather spend my time being productive than bitching in toxic echo chambers.

I’ll say to you here what I said to you privately: the greatest value you could provide your Region and this Board is a resignation. You’re an embarrassment.

(Don’t bother replying to me either. As the token diversity hire, I reserve the right to consider any snarky remark you’re itching to give, racist.)

Adrian F Malagon
At Large, Libertarian National Committee
Chair, Convention Oversight Committee
Chair, Libertarian Party of California

Angela McArdle

Oct 4, 2023, 8:11:13 PM10/4/23
to lnc-business

Angela McArdle, Chair

Meredith Hays

Oct 4, 2023, 8:24:39 PM10/4/23
Hello all,

I know I’m new to the board, but I do have a lot of experience with fiduciary duties, and I think those are something everyone could use a refresher in learning.  “Speaking truth to power” on a public-facing forum is not something I would expect from a fiduciary, and I don’t mean to pick on you Mr. Tuniewicz.  

I’ve spoken to the Chair about doing this, and I hope to have something for you all soon. 

Meredith Hays
Region 4 Representative, Libertarian National Committee |

Kathy Yeniscavich

Oct 4, 2023, 8:52:53 PM10/4/23
Mr. Tuniewicz,

Related to your condescending statement on “unforced errors” (Reno reset, changes to the platform in abortion and bigotry) - these were changes made by the delegates in Reno.  The LNC carries out the will of the delegates and we were all elected to do so.  The delegates to the upcoming convention will be the ones to determine whether these changes were in error and, if so, act accordingly. 

Secretary LNC

Oct 4, 2023, 9:31:22 PM10/4/23
I just popping in as I see something of concern.  I have a huge issue with how Mr. Tuniewicz has grandstanded etc, but I will be opposed to any attempt to control what anyone says on their personal account if they are not violating confidentiality.  That was abused badly last term to shut me up over COVID.  People can say what they wish and the rest of the Board can respond through private action as I have by blocking Mr. Tuniewicz.  But it is a dangerous precedent to say people cannot talk.  They then have to bear the consequence of other LNC members not liking them very much.    I will never support anything that lies the groundwork for what the LNC unjustly did to me last term.  I can hate Mr. Tuniewicz' actions but that his Region's to deal with and if they think he can be effective representing them when he has alienated most of the LNC.
In Liberty, Caryn Ann Harlos
LNC Secretary and LP Historical Preservation Committee Chair ~ 561.523.2250

Secretary LNC

Oct 4, 2023, 9:35:43 PM10/4/23
*over COVID and New Hampshire

In Liberty, Caryn Ann Harlos
LNC Secretary and LP Historical Preservation Committee Chair ~ 561.523.2250

Meredith Hays

Oct 4, 2023, 9:59:36 PM10/4/23
Of course someone can speak out, as long as they are not violating confidentiality or exposing board secrets, but as I said, I would not expect someone to do something like that while they are supposed to be acting within the best interests of the organization.  I should clarify that I did not see the post in question, as Facebook is goofy. 

Meredith Hays
Region 4 Representative, Libertarian National Committee |

Secretary LNC

Oct 4, 2023, 10:02:03 PM10/4/23
Thank you Ms. Hays, I appreciate the opportunity to clarify.  Love you!

In Liberty, Caryn Ann Harlos
LNC Secretary and LP Historical Preservation Committee Chair ~ 561.523.2250

Meredith Hays

Oct 4, 2023, 10:03:04 PM10/4/23
Love YOU!

Meredith Hays
Region 4 Representative, Libertarian National Committee |

Mike Rufo

Oct 4, 2023, 10:03:11 PM10/4/23
Mr. Tuniewicz,

For 16 months, you have spoken down to everybody on this board, and I’m not speaking to your physical height. Your elitist, condescending tone is the embodiment of everything that is wrong with the politcal class and those of our party that wish to share the table of power rather than flip it, light it on fire, and spit on its ashes. 

The “take over” that you lament has happened, it will continue, and in the long run will be more successful than imaginable. 

We came into this term knowing changes were needed and requested by the delegates. With change sometimes comes set back. Fortunately, when one has their plan and sticks to it, those set backs are almost always temporary. The recent success that you wish to downplay is a sign that we may be turning the corner and is cause for celebration. May we all be grateful and work together to ensure continued success.

We will not be going backwards; we will only go forward. You can either be a productive and supportive member or continue to be the negative, manipulative, and condescending presence you have been thus far. 

Your response isn’t needed because at this point your opinion no longer holds any value. 
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