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My Resignation from Region 8 Rep to the LNC

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Tucker Coburn

Jun 17, 2021, 10:12:05 AM6/17/21
to LNC Business
Below and attached please find my resignation letter. Per the Region 8 agreement Mr. Bowen will become the new Representative with an alternate to be chosen. 

Thursday June 17, 2021


To the Libertarian National Committee, Region 8, and any others it may concern,


It is with deep regret that I am writing to inform you of my decision to resign from the position of Region 8 Representative on the Libertarian National Committee, effective immediately.


I do not believe I am able to well represent the interests of the region, and I feel it is best for me to step down and allow for a new Representative to better do so.


It has been an immense pleasure serving with many of you on the LNC and in representing Region 8. I am proud of what we have accomplished prior to this term, during this year, and I stand to be proud of all the party accomplishes in the future. I am not going anywhere in the fight for Liberty, but it is time for my fight to change course. I look forward to working with many of you in the future. We have a lot to do.


As I sent to Mr. Bowen, if there is any way I can be of assistance in transitioning over the role to him, please let me know.


Always in Liberty,


Tucker Coburn

Resignation Letter LNC8.pdf

David Valente

Jun 17, 2021, 10:34:35 AM6/17/21
Tucker, you have been a steady voice and a firm watchdog for this organization. I will miss your needed presence on this body. I look forward to seeing what you do next as a great voice for the liberty movement. You are appreciated, brother, for taking firm principled stands in the face of overwhelming opposition. 

David Valente
Region 5 Alternate

Richard Longstreth

Jun 17, 2021, 11:12:54 AM6/17/21
to lnc-business
This greatly disappoints me. You and I spoke on Monday and I stand by what I said to you then: you have been an amazing asset on this board and have brought a fresh perspective. I would have enjoyed continuing to work with you.

Please feel free to reach out at any time for any reason. I believe you have my phone number. I wish you the best.

Richard Longstreth
At Large Representative
Libertarian National Committee

Sent from my Mobile Device

Dustin Nanna

Jun 17, 2021, 11:43:56 AM6/17/21
I'm sorry to see you go. I wish you the best and hope to work with you again in the future.

Dustin Nanna

Region 3 Representative, Libertarian National Committee


John Phillips

Jun 17, 2021, 11:52:09 AM6/17/21
to Lp
Tucker, I am saddened by this, and that people cannot see the value of your honor and integrity over a disagreement.

You have my deepest respect sir, and look forward to working with you in the future on other opportunities.

John Phillips
Region 6 Representative

Erik Raudsep LNC At-Large

Jun 17, 2021, 12:04:22 PM6/17/21

Tucker, I am sorry to see and hear this news of your resignation.  It has been a pleasure to work with you over the last year and I wish you all the success in your future endeavors.  I hope our paths cross in Liberty in the future.

Erik Raudsep
Libertarian Party USA
LNC At-Large Member
Cell: (919) 720-1530
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