Fwd: Your chat transcript for Case #35505550

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Ken Moellman

13. sep. 2021, 12.26.5113.09.2021
til lnc-business

At the urging of a number of our members, and with what appeared to be the support of a bulk of the LNC, I reached out to Google tech support this morning to see about the JBH emails.  Below is the chat log.  Long story short; we can't get them back through Google, apparently.  

Based on what I can determine, from what I've seen and the IC report, the email was deleted sometime on the 15th. When it was deleted, the Trash folder was specifically cleared out, as well (the "Delete Forever" option).  That's why when Tyler and I went into Trash and Drafts we found very little email in there (only items from the 15th through the 18th).  Had we known this "Delete Forever: had occurred, Tyler and I could have salvaged the email through the Admin panel until July 9th or 10th. However, it is not possible now.  (See below: "As much as I want to help you Ken, unfortunately we have no mechanics that can restore users data permanently deleted more than 25 days ago. Please confirm the information here: https://support.google.com/a/answer/112445?hl=en")

We do have Google Vault enabled now, and we probably should have had it all along. According to what I've recently discovered, Google has had Vault as a feature since 2012. I didn't know about it, but I'm also not a big "Google" person.  (I maintained the previous system that about 10 states still use, at almost no cost.)

Ken Moellman
Libertarian National Committee
Vice Chair

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Google Workspace Support <workspac...@google.com>
Date: Mon, Sep 13, 2021 at 9:49 AM
Subject: Your chat transcript for Case #35505550
To: ken.mo...@lp.org <ken.mo...@lp.org>

Google Workspace
Hello there,

Thank you for contacting the Google Workspace Support team. This is an automated email to confirm support case 35505550 has been created from your recent chat. If you have anything additional you would like to add, simply reply to this email.

Here are some details about your case:

Subject: A user has permanently deleted his email. We were not made aware until after the additional 25-day waiting period. These messages belong to our organization. We have now enabled Vault, but only after discovering these messages were deleted. Is there a way to get these messages back? 
Chat transcript:
Chat started: Mon, 13 Sep 2021 06:36:25 -0700 Google Workspace Support, Slav: Thank you for contacting Google Workspace Support. My name is Slav and I'll be working with you today. While I read over your message, is there anything else you'd like to add? Ken Moellman: I believe the question is complete but I can provide additional information. The email in question is joe.bisho...@lp.org and the mass-delete occurred on or around June 15th. Google Workspace Support, Slav: Thank you for the information Ken. Google Workspace Support, Slav: I understand that the user: oe.bishop...@lp.org has deleted emails On June 15. Ken Moellman: joe.bisho...@lp.org ... yes Google Workspace Support, Slav: Sorry, missed the letter J. Ken Moellman: No problem. Just want to be sure we are working on the correct email. Google Workspace Support, Slav: Thank you. Allow me a moment please. Google Workspace Support, Slav: Just to confirm, when joe.bisho...@lp.org delete a message, the message stays in his Trash folder for 30 days before the message is permanently deleted (unless he empty the trash folder before that). After the message is deleted from Trash, we can restore it from the Admin console within 25 days. Unfortunately we have no mechanism that can restore users data permanently deleted more than 25 days ago. Ken Moellman: In this case, the user appears to have used the "Delete Forever" option on his trash, as well. Ken Moellman: We were not aware of this deletion until after the 25-day period. Is there no mechanism to recover those emails? Google Workspace Support, Slav: As much as I want to help you Ken, unfortunately we have no mechanics that can restore users data permanently deleted more than 25 days ago. Please confirm the information here: https://support.google.com/a/answer/112445?hl=en Ken Moellman: Okay, that's unfortunate. If an attorney or law enforcement were to become involved, would there be a mechanism for them to request the recovery of these emails? Google Workspace Support, Slav: For future, reference, please make sure you have Google Vault retention rules set up to hold all users data indefinitely. So if a user deletes messages, you will still have them saved in Google Vault. Google Workspace Support, Slav: Unfortunately not as per the Google process. Ken Moellman: We do now have Google Vault activated, but that occurred after discovering the email had been deleted. Ken Moellman: Okay, thank you. Google Workspace Support, Slav: Yes, I understand. Vault was not activated in that time... unfortunately... Ken Moellman: One more quick question. Will a copy of this chat log be sent to my email? I want to be sure that the management sees this conversation. Google Workspace Support, Slav: Of course, you will automatically receive this chat transcript to: ken.mo...@lp.org. Ken Moellman: Great. Thank you. Google Workspace Support, Slav: Thank you for your understanding. Is there anything else that I can help you with Ken? Ken Moellman: No, I think that's all. Google Workspace Support, Slav: Thanks for chatting with Google Workspace support, it has been a pleasure assisting you today! There’s a short survey coming up, we would love to hear your feedback about our interaction. Have a great one!

Best Regards,
Google Workspace Support


© 2021 Google LLC 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043

Richard Longstreth

13. sep. 2021, 12.35.4013.09.2021
til lnc-business
Thank you for taking the initiative, Ken.

Richard Longstreth
At Large Representative
Libertarian National Committee

Sent from my Mobile Device

Chris Luchini

13. sep. 2021, 17.55.5313.09.2021
til lnc-business

Is this not just a duplicate of the effort the Executive Directory Harris did a few months ago? 

Chris Luchini
Region 1 Representative LNC

Tyler Harris

13. sep. 2021, 18.29.1313.09.2021
til lnc-bu...@lp.org
Unfortunately, I did not catch Mr. Moellman’s email this morning in sufficient time to save him the trouble of his effort, but we have now both pursued this independently with Google and to the same conclusion.  Both chat logs have been preserved as well.


Tyler Harris, Executive Director
Libertarian National Committee, Inc.
1444 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314
Join the Libertarian Party at: http://lp.org/membership

On Sep 13, 2021, at 5:55 PM, Chris Luchini <chris....@lp.org> wrote:

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