Pertinent Idaho information from the Sorensen Chaired Board

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Joshua Smith

Jul 31, 2022, 11:08:27 AM7/31/22
As requested, the info sent to me regarding the Idaho dispute. This info was sent by the Sorensen chaired committee. I have received no infomation yet from the Imhoff chaired board, but have a request in. 

In liberty,
Joshua D. Smith
Vice Chair- LNC

Secretary LNC

Jul 31, 2022, 4:16:21 PM7/31/22
to lnc-business
Okay that is a lot to digest.  I will take a look and give some input once I have.
In Liberty, Caryn Ann Harlos
LNC Secretary and LP Historical Preservation Committee Chair ~ 561.523.2250

Joshua Smith

Jul 31, 2022, 4:52:26 PM7/31/22
Haha, I told ya! Would have been impossible to get all the way through it before the meeting unfortunately. Looking forward to what you come up with. Thank you Caryn Ann. 

Joshua Smith, LNC Vice Chair

Secretary LNC

Jul 31, 2022, 9:54:25 PM7/31/22
to lnc-business
Ms. Imhoff reached out to me, and I sent her the log in information and invited her to submit documentation.  Joshua please send me off list the email addresses for other group for me to send them official meeting notification as Secretary.

In Liberty, Caryn Ann Harlos
LNC Secretary and LP Historical Preservation Committee Chair ~ 561.523.2250

Andrew Watkins

Aug 1, 2022, 5:30:50 PM8/1/22
Oh lordy! Thanks for the light reading Josh!
Andrew Watkins | Region 5 Rep.

Secretary LNC

Aug 1, 2022, 7:22:37 PM8/1/22
to lnc-business
I have been in touch with Ms. Imhoff who has copied her executive board so all sides in the issue have notice.

In Liberty, Caryn Ann Harlos
LNC Secretary and LP Historical Preservation Committee Chair ~ 561.523.2250

Secretary LNC

Aug 3, 2022, 1:31:25 PM8/3/22
to lnc-business
Mr. Smith I cannot open the following files and request them in PDF format:

Also I have to candidly say, although I have not thoroughly reviewed the items, I did scan them, and I, as a registered parliamentarian am thinkin "omgoodness, this is going to be a bear to understand."  I fear it is not reasonable to expect non-parliamentary trained members of this board to do so.  I will attempt, as I did in NM, to distill this down into a memorandum, though I would like to see the documents from the Imhoffs for their side first.

I would highly suggest BOTH sides send their best representatives that will not go down confusing rabbit trails and can answer questions simply and concisely - parliamentarians from both sides would be VERY helpful.

In Liberty, Caryn Ann Harlos
LNC Secretary and LP Historical Preservation Committee Chair ~ 561.523.2250

Secretary LNC

Aug 9, 2022, 8:33:25 AM8/9/22
to lnc-business
I am noting that items have been added to this folder and/or updated.  No LNC would know this if they immediately downloaded - Mr. Smith please keep the list updated when new documents are added or I fear they will not be taken into consideration.  Or if Mr. Sorensen wishes to alert me, I can alert the Board.

In Liberty, Caryn Ann Harlos
LNC Secretary and LP Historical Preservation Committee Chair ~ 561.523.2250

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