Proposal KK - Resignations

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Secretary LNC

Sep 5, 2023, 7:15:56 PM9/5/23
to Bylaws Committee 2024
In Liberty, Caryn Ann Harlos
LNC Secretary and LP Historical Preservation Committee Chair ~ 561.523.2250
Proposal KK - Resignations.docx

Mike Seebeck

Sep 6, 2023, 12:37:24 AM9/6/23
That's an easy yes. It never made any sense in RONR that a resignation could be voted down. With our Bylaws, all they would have to do is miss the next two meetings anyway for a constructive resignation, which would effectively veto by one the veto by the rest.

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Secretary LNC

Sep 6, 2023, 12:48:58 AM9/6/23
And it delays things.  We just had an LNC member resign "effective immediately" and there is an argument to delay filling vacancies because resignation "not formally accepted."  And while there might be good reasons to delay filling vacancies, that is not one of them, and is the kind of thing that people hate RONR for seeing it as a delaying tactic.  It violates the spirit of a resignation and I just find it anti-libertarians to say NO you can't leave.  Like we can make them stay.

In Liberty, Caryn Ann Harlos
LNC Secretary and LP Historical Preservation Committee Chair ~ 561.523.2250

Secretary LNC

Sep 6, 2023, 12:56:31 AM9/6/23
And btw, I am going to propose a Policy Manual amendment to make it clear that resignations from LNC appointments to any committees do not require acceptance.  It is custom we have never required that, but I would like to make it explicit.

In Liberty, Caryn Ann Harlos
LNC Secretary and LP Historical Preservation Committee Chair ~ 561.523.2250

Rob Latham

Sep 6, 2023, 7:13:53 PM9/6/23
Am inclined to support this proposal.

Because this arose locally, the timing of a resignation could be a factor that warrants some flexibility.

For example, what if an officer or at large member tenders an irrevocable resignation letter effective in four months?

Should that option be afforded an officer or member?

What if the need to resign arises 30 days before a convention? Is it really necessary to fill a vacancy before the convention? (See Articles 6.8 and 7.7).

And conversely, what if there is some gamesmanship with a timed resignation? Should the LNC be empowered to vote that down (e.g., "no, your resignation needs to be effective in a shorter period of time")?


Justice Stephen Breyer's resignation letter was not timed as specifically as the prior example, but was conditional.



Secretary LNC

Sep 6, 2023, 7:17:46 PM9/6/23
I've never seen that happen personally but my intent is not to allowed timed or conditional resignations.  We have not had that happen on LNC.  Would be interested in language you think is clearer.

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