Ordering Comparison

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Secretary LNC

Feb 1, 2024, 12:01:07 AMFeb 1
to bylaws-committee-2024
I had to do some creative alignment to make these line up and using the combinations proposed from Bracco which I understand everyone might not agree with but I wanted at least a starting point to compare.

If I made a minor error in any of yours, please let it go until the meeting.  If my eyes crossed on something major please let me know.

This is a close approximation to use for our visual comparison

First let's see if we can agree on the combination that Bracco suggested.

I suggest if there is any that everyone who submitted an ordering suggestion has agreed (or in the case of Mr. Rowlette) begrudingly to cut, let's go right to a vote on each of these with limited debate.

Then we go to those in which a majority of those who submitted proposals were okay to cut with limited debate.

That cuts things down, and my goal is get at least our first five decided this meeting as I would like to send out a surveymonkey poll on those five and we will need to discuss the parameters of a survey monkey poll.  I do not believe in anonymous comments in these polls and I have vacillated whether or not redacted (PII) copies of the polls should be published.  The committee can decide all of this.

I also think before a poll is sent out we do need to decide on the standardization of the proviso language.  That is not on the agenda, but notice had been given previously so if we have time we can get to it.

As we decide on ordering (at least preliminarily- remember the final report will be voted on as a whole and things further tweaked), I will start building out a report and getting it to the rationales to subcommittee to tweak further.  I will remind the rationales subcommittee that with the exception of RR, I will be presenting the proposals so please don't make the types of changes to language that I would never use - we have gotten to know each other well, and it needs to sound natural to me while conveying the sense of the committee.

See you all tomorrow.
In Liberty, Caryn Ann Harlos
LNC Secretary and LP Historical Preservation Committee Chair ~ 561.523.2250

Secretary LNC

Feb 1, 2024, 12:34:40 AMFeb 1
to bylaws-com...@lp.org
Well forget about surveymonkey though I love their detailed reports.  The price has gone WAY up to $25/month and you have to buy an annual plan.  We are in a presidential year and I am not asking the Chair to approve $300.  The Party already pays for a JotForm account, we will make due with that and since only doing 5 or so at a time, it does put them in a spreadsheet and we can sort that way.  

If anyone feels very strongly that we need the analytics of SurveyMonkey, I will make the ask.

In Liberty, Caryn Ann Harlos
LNC Secretary and LP Historical Preservation Committee Chair ~ 561.523.2250

Committee members, download the Proposal Form here: https://tinyurl.com/2024Bylaws-SubmissionForm
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Rob Latham

Feb 1, 2024, 7:44:48 PMFeb 1
to bylaws-com...@lp.org
Thank you for preparing this spreadsheet, Madame Chair. Can imagine it took quite an amount of time to prepare it.

Am not asking for the spreadsheet entries under my name to be changed, but the anticipated combination of some proposals does change my preferred order slightly, and I want committee members to be aware of those two changes.

I've taken Proposal Q (Amendment of Preamble) "off the menu," and Proposal BCS (Increase Membership Dues - Define Membership - Refine Dues Definition) at the top of the dessert menu (Position #16? ... depending on whether P & P1 are counted as one proposal).

In liberty,

Rob Latham



M: Change Timing of Credentials Committee Appointments https://tinyurl.com/2024BylawsM (doubles committee’s pre-convention lead-time)
K: Lengthen Time for Platform Committee Appointments https://tinyurl.com/2024BylawsK (gives Platform Committee more time to complete its work)

N: Limit Committee Alternates https://tinyurl.com/Bylaws2024N (promotes committee efficiency)
AA: Limit Alt Allocations https://tinyurl.com/2024BylawsAA (the number of an affiliate’s alternate delegates may not exceed the number of an affiliate’s primary delegates)

H: Standardize Committees https://tinyurl.com/2024BylawsH (consolidate and harmonize the two rules for convention-related committees into one rule)

J: Rising Seconds https://tinyurl.com/2024BylawsJ (promotes convention efficiency while protecting member rights)

Main Course

NN: Removal from Office https://tinyurl.com/BylawsNN (adds due process protections for Officers and At-Large Members)

RR: Eliminate Regions https://tinyurl.com/BylawsRR (speaking of At-Large Members…)

SS: Cumulative Voting https://tinyurl.com/BylawsSS (if necessary)

R: Ranked Choice Voting for Officers https://tinyurl.com/2024BylawsR (speaking of Officers…)

F: Candidate Elimination https://tinyurl.com/2024BylawsF (speaking of Officer elections…)

P: Balloting Rules Rewrite https://tinyurl.com/2024BylawsP1 (speaking of elections…)

P1: Allow Electronic Balloting https://tinyurl.com/2024BylawsP (make elections more efficient and auditable)

E: Platform Plank Deletion https://tinyurl.com/2024BylawsE (speaking about voting on things, raise deletion threshold on platform planks)

I: Raise Token Vote Threshold https://tinyurl.com/2024BylawsI (speaking of platform plank deletion, raise threshold to use delegates’ convention time to vote on platform deletion)

O: Add Notice Requirements https://tinyurl.com/2024BylawsO (speaking of changing platform planks and bylaws, did advance notice of proposed changes help you make a more informed choice?)

MM: Fix Quorum https://tinyurl.com/BylawsMM (speaking of making changes, what is a reasonable minimum number of Libertarian delegates to make changes at convention?)


B: Increase Membership Dues https://tinyurl.com/2024BylawsProposalB (increases membership dues)
C: Define Membership https://tinyurl.com/2024BylawsCSubstitute (clarifies membership requirement)

S: Refine Dues Definition https://tinyurl.com/2024-BylawsS (eases LNC staff’s administrative burden)

PP: Require Sustaining Membership for National Delegates https://tinyurl.com/BylawsPP (clarifies delegate requirements)

TT: Affirm Delegate Allocations https://tinyurl.com/BylawsTT (provides mechanism for affiliates to affirm delegate allocations)

QQ: Candidate Nominations https://tinyurl.com/Bylaws-QQ (clarifies what “member of another party” means for an affiliate’s ability to endorse a candidate) [Was one of this Committee’s more-contested items, but it should remain in the realm of potential convention consideration.]

CC: Clean Up Statist Language https://tinyurl.com/BylawsCC (adopts more precise language and preferred tone for convention special rules of order) [Was going to take this off the menu, but then saw it could be a good lead-in to Proposal U. Let survey responses determine at what agenda item this proposal lands.] 

U: Clean up Affiliation Language and Responsibilities https://tinyurl.com/2024BylawsU (clarifies affiliate duties)

EE: Resolve Affiliate Disputes https://tinyurl.com/BylawsEE (outline process to resolve affiliate dispute) [Was one of this Committee’s more-contested items, but it should remain in the realm of potential convention consideration.]

Off the menu

A: Clarify Chair Ascension Procedure https://tinyurl.com/2024BylawsProposalA

G: Modify JC Rules https://tinyurl.com/2024BylawsG

L: Delegate Allocation Formula - Sustaining Membership Only https://tinyurl.com/2024BylawsL

T: Clean up Committee Procedures https://tinyurl.com/2024-BylawsT

Q: Amendment of Preamble https://tinyurl.com/2024BylawsQ

BB: Put time limit on LNC Appeals https://tinyurl.com/BylawsBB

HH: Limit Minority Report https://tinyurl.com/BylawsHH

KK: Resignations  https://tinyurl.com/BylawsKK

On Wed, Jan 31, 2024 at 10:01 PM Secretary LNC <secr...@lp.org> wrote:

Rob Latham

Feb 1, 2024, 11:35:11 PMFeb 1
to bylaws-com...@lp.org
Updated ranking w/numbers.

Italics means cut (and into the after-action report).

Will populate the updated spreadsheet using these numbers.

There appear to be 25 proposals that remain report-eligible.

In liberty,

Rob Latham


1 M: Change Timing of Credentials Committee Appointments https://tinyurl.com/2024BylawsM (doubles committee’s pre-convention lead-time)
2 K: Lengthen Time for Platform Committee Appointments https://tinyurl.com/2024BylawsK (gives Platform Committee more time to complete its work)

3 N: Limit Committee Alternates https://tinyurl.com/Bylaws2024N (promotes committee efficiency)
4 AA: Limit Alt Allocations https://tinyurl.com/2024BylawsAA (the number of an affiliate’s alternate delegates may not exceed the number of an affiliate’s primary delegates)

5 H: Standardize Committees https://tinyurl.com/2024BylawsH (consolidate and harmonize the two rules for convention-related committees into one rule)

6 J: Rising Seconds https://tinyurl.com/2024BylawsJ (promotes convention efficiency while protecting member rights)

Main Course

7 NN: Removal from Office https://tinyurl.com/BylawsNN (adds due process protections for Officers and At-Large Members)

8 RR: Eliminate Regions https://tinyurl.com/BylawsRR (speaking of At-Large Members…)

9 SS: Cumulative Voting https://tinyurl.com/BylawsSS (if necessary)

10 R: Ranked Choice Voting for Officers https://tinyurl.com/2024BylawsR (speaking of Officers…)

11 F: Candidate Elimination https://tinyurl.com/2024BylawsF (speaking of Officer elections…)

12 P: Balloting Rules Rewrite https://tinyurl.com/2024BylawsP1 (speaking of elections…)

12 P1: Allow Electronic Balloting https://tinyurl.com/2024BylawsP (make elections more efficient and auditable)

13 E: Platform Plank Deletion https://tinyurl.com/2024BylawsE (speaking about voting on things, raise deletion threshold on platform planks)

I: Raise Token Vote Threshold https://tinyurl.com/2024BylawsI (speaking of platform plank deletion, raise threshold to use delegates’ convention time to vote on platform deletion)

14 O: Add Notice Requirements https://tinyurl.com/2024BylawsO (speaking of changing platform planks and bylaws, did advance notice of proposed changes help you make a more informed choice?)

15 MM: Fix Quorum https://tinyurl.com/BylawsMM (speaking of making changes, what is a reasonable minimum number of Libertarian delegates to make changes at convention?)


16 C: Define Membership https://tinyurl.com/2024BylawsCSubstitute (clarifies membership requirement)

17 S: Refine Dues Definition https://tinyurl.com/2024-BylawsS (eases LNC staff’s administrative burden)

18 B: Increase Membership Dues https://tinyurl.com/2024BylawsProposalB (increases membership dues)

19 PP: Require Sustaining Membership for National Delegates https://tinyurl.com/BylawsPP (clarifies delegate requirements)

20 TT: Affirm Delegate Allocations https://tinyurl.com/BylawsTT (provides mechanism for affiliates to affirm delegate allocations)

21 QQ: Candidate Nominations https://tinyurl.com/Bylaws-QQ (clarifies what “member of another party” means for an affiliate’s ability to endorse a candidate) [Was one of this Committee’s more-contested items, but it should remain in the realm of potential convention consideration.]

CC: Clean Up Statist Language https://tinyurl.com/BylawsCC (adopts more precise language and preferred tone for convention special rules of order) [Was going to take this off the menu, but then saw it could be a good lead-in to Proposal U. Let survey responses determine at what agenda item this proposal lands.] 

22 U: Clean up Affiliation Language and Responsibilities https://tinyurl.com/2024BylawsU (clarifies affiliate duties)

23 EE: Resolve Affiliate Disputes https://tinyurl.com/BylawsEE (outline process to resolve affiliate dispute) [Was one of this Committee’s more-contested items, but it should remain in the realm of potential convention consideration.]

Off the menu

A: Clarify Chair Ascension Procedure https://tinyurl.com/2024BylawsProposalA

G: Modify JC Rules https://tinyurl.com/2024BylawsG

24 L: Delegate Allocation Formula - Sustaining Membership Only https://tinyurl.com/2024BylawsL

T: Clean up Committee Procedures https://tinyurl.com/2024-BylawsT

Q: Amendment of Preamble https://tinyurl.com/2024BylawsQ

BB: Put time limit on LNC Appeals https://tinyurl.com/BylawsBB

HH: Limit Minority Report https://tinyurl.com/BylawsHH

25 KK: Resignations  https://tinyurl.com/BylawsKK

On Wed, Jan 31, 2024 at 10:01 PM Secretary LNC <secr...@lp.org> wrote:
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