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[PSGuardian] PCS Weekly Update for 5-10-24

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'Rick Todd' via PCS Guardian

May 10, 2024, 8:48:37 AM5/10/24
to PCS Guardian, PCS Staff, Board of Ed
Hello Pirate Family and Happy "Teacher Appreciation" Friday! 

Let me start by saying that it has been such a fantastic week here in Pirate Nation as our students, parents, PTO's and local businesses honored our teachers and entire staff throughout National Teacher Appreciation Week by keeping them well fed with scrumptious breakfast treats, luncheons and goodies that made this a bad week to try and shed a few extra pounds! But in all sincerity as both the superintendent and a Pirate parent, we are all so blessed to have our children educated, cared for, mentored, and loved by adults who have chosen a life profession of education simply because they possess a heart and passion to impact lives, helping our students become the very best versions of themselves they can be, working in partnership with our parents and community as there is no truer statement than "It takes a village". I am both humbled and honored to call our teachers and staff my colleagues and friends as they inspire me each and every day to continue advocating on behalf of education, our students, staff and Pirate community. Thank you again for helping make our Pirate staff members feel special this week and for all you do throughout the entire year as your support and appreciation means more than you can imagine! 


Earlier this week, we celebrated the 48 year career of Loretta Clark, who has been driving our Pirates to school and home for almost five decades, along with training many of our current drivers over the years. Loretta is a true Pirate Treasure and Legend and we will miss the commitment, passion and love she has for our students, district and community. We wish her nothing but the very best in retirement! Congratulations Loretta! GO PIRATES!!


At yesterday's SEC White Division Championship Track & Field Meet held at Pirate Stadium, our Lady Pirate's Team walked away as victors and champions, winning the meet with an amazing finish to the 4 x 400 meter relay.  Please see the article linked below that contains video footage of that final winning race. Congratulations to our PIrates and Champions! 


We had a special visitor stop by yesterday morning as our new and final Therapy Dog, Jack, paid a visit to central office before heading to his new home. I have no doubt that our students at the high school are going to fall in love with him as he is so sweet! Jack will be spending the upcoming weeks and months ahead getting adjusted to his new Pirate family and will be ready to begin working at the high school in the fall. Thanks again for the ongoing support as it would not have become a reality if not for our tremendous Pirate community!


I would like to extend a very prideful shoutout to our 2024 Senior Class, their class sponsors and the entire PCHS team who helped to create one of the most beautiful and memorable prom experiences for our students as they truly had a night to remember. Thank you Pirates!!


Finally, I want to wish all of our Pirate mum's who help support, raise and love our Pirate students a Happy Mother's Day on Sunday as we appreciate all you do as we feel the impact you have on the lives of our students. We love our Pirate Mum's!! 🏴‍☠️ 


Have a great weekend and GO PIRATES!! 

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