[PSGuardian] 2024-25 Opening Dates

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'Rick Todd' via PCS Guardian

Jul 15, 2024, 10:46:59 AMJul 15
to PCS Guardian, PCS Staff
Hello Pirate Family, 

We are just about a month away from inviting our students and families back in for student orientation/registration sessions and given we know that our calendars can be tricky to balance during this time, especially for those parents who have students in multiple schools, we once again have created a one-page reference sheet that provides all of the important dates for those events that includes picture days, open houses, etc. As shared previously, the full 2024-25 school calendar has been something we have been working on with our teachers union as part of contract negotiations and am confident we will be able to share in the very near future. We are looking forward to seeing our Pirates next month! 

Opening Dates & Information (5).pdf
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