Dear P4 Community,
We are excited to announce that we will be hosting a full day P4 event at the upcoming SIGCOMM conference during the week of August 19th in Beijing, China.
The event will consist of a half-day P4 tutorial followed by a half-day P4 workshop.
The tutorial will be geared towards intermediate P4 developers. It will focus on topics such as language-architecture separation as well as stateful packet processing.
We invite everyone to submit a talk proposal for the half-day workshop. We are especially interested in hearing from groups developing P4 applications, tools, and targets for real systems; as well as new use cases that take the language in interesting new directions. We would like to keep the workshop focused on technical content -- i.e., talks and demos should be used to showcase P4 in action and not for product marketing.
To submit a proposal, please upload a one-page PDF to the submission site below:
Submission site: June 28, 2019
Notification: July 12, 2019
To stay updated on all details of the tutorial/workshop, please refer to the event webpage:,