[P4-discuss] List P4 enabled chips

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Mach Michał

Jul 3, 2020, 7:57:01 AM7/3/20
to p4-di...@lists.p4.org

Hello all!

I tried to go trough the threads on that mailing list - but with no luck to answer my questions.

We're looking for a P4 HW vendor that is willing to cooperate with us in a decision process(prototyping, tests, etc) to justify additional organizational overhead to onboard the P4 technology stack. We're building our own platform of SDN switch/router to satisfy our own needs for expanding and modernization our telco infrastructure. Currently we're finishing the FPGA-based platform and we're investigating our options for next-gen iteration of that project.

I've been trying to find some kind of list of P4 Hardware targets - ASICs, NPUs or any other merchant silicon chips that one can buy to prototype a P4 - compatible HW platform. I found that link: https://github.com/hesingh/p4-info/blob/master/README.md But it's not exactly what I'm looking for - Barefoot doesn't really exists anymore, and I'm not sure if Intel is selling Tofino chips to anyone nowadays. Can anyone point me a direction where to look or who to ask? This is still early phase and we're trying to compare the traditional FPGA approach (that we have experience with) with some smarter(imo) approaches like programmable chips. From the development perspective we're specifically interested with P4 compatible chips.



          Micha� Mach
          Architekt SDN
ul. Perkuna 47
04-164 Warszawa
www.exatel.pl           T +48 22 340 6632
            M +48 502 698 387
          E micha...@exatel.pl

Sp�ka wpisana do rejestru przedsi�biorc�w w S�dzie Rejonowym dla m. st. Warszawy, XIII Wydzia� Gospodarczy, pod numerem KRS: 0000044577, kapita� zak�adowy: 576 854 559 PLN, kapita� op�acony w ca�o�ci, NIP: 527-010-45-68, BDO: 000250055, EXATEL SA, ul. Perkuna 47, 04-164 Warszawa.

Niniejsza wiadomo�� jest w�asno�ci� EXATEL SA i mo�e zawiera� informacje poufne i/lub prawnie chronione. Je�li nie s� Pa�stwo w�a�ciwym adresatem (lub otrzymali Pa�stwo t� wiadomo�� na skutek pomy�ki), prosimy o tym fakcie niezw�ocznie poinformowa� nadawc� i usun�� otrzyman� wiadomo��. Ka�de nieautoryzowane kopiowanie, ujawnianie lub rozpowszechnianie za��czonej informacji jest zabronione.

This e-mail is a property of EXATEL SA and may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient (or have received this e-mail by mistake) please notify the sender immediately and destroy this e-mail. Any unauthorized copying, disclosure or distribution of the material in this e-mail is strictly forbidden.


Vladimir Gurevich

Jul 3, 2020, 1:49:48 PM7/3/20
to p4-di...@lists.p4.org
Dear Michal,

I cannot tell you for all the vendors, but let me assure you that Barefoot Networks, an Intel company is doing well and is open for business. To tell you the truth, I am not sure what is the basis for the information about Barefoot that you relied upon, but it does not look correct to me.

For more information, I recommend you visit https://barefoortnetworks.com -- this website is fully functional.

If you would like to send a message, you can use the "Contact us" page on the same site: https://www.barefootnetworks.com/contact-us/  and let us know that you'd like to become a customer and purchase the devices. I will be also happy to pass your information to our Sales Team.

Note, that in many cases it might be easier to start with a ready made system first. You can find the information about the companies, providing such systems on the "Getting started" page (https://www.barefootnetworks.com/products/getting-started/). This should not in any way preclude you from designing your own if you would like to.

Best wishes,
Vladimir Gurevich
Barefoot Networks
Director, Customer Training and Education/
Technical Director, Customer Engineering

On Fri, Jul 3, 2020 at 4:57 AM Mach Michał via P4-discuss <p4-di...@lists.p4.org> wrote:

Hello all!

I tried to go trough the threads on that mailing list - but with no luck to answer my questions.

We're looking for a P4 HW vendor that is willing to cooperate with us in a decision process(prototyping, tests, etc) to justify additional organizational overhead to onboard the P4 technology stack. We're building our own platform of SDN switch/router to satisfy our own needs for expanding and modernization our telco infrastructure. Currently we're finishing the FPGA-based platform and we're investigating our options for next-gen iteration of that project.

I've been trying to find some kind of list of P4 Hardware targets - ASICs, NPUs or any other merchant silicon chips that one can buy to prototype a P4 - compatible HW platform. I found that link: https://github.com/hesingh/p4-info/blob/master/README.md But it's not exactly what I'm looking for - Barefoot doesn't really exists anymore, and I'm not sure if Intel is selling Tofino chips to anyone nowadays. Can anyone point me a direction where to look or who to ask? This is still early phase and we're trying to compare the traditional FPGA approach (that we have experience with) with some smarter(imo) approaches like programmable chips. From the development perspective we're specifically interested with P4 compatible chips.



          Michał Mach
          Architekt SDN
ul. Perkuna 47
04-164 Warszawa
www.exatel.pl           T +48 22 340 6632
            M +48 502 698 387
          E micha...@exatel.pl

Spółka wpisana do rejestru przedsiębiorców w Sądzie Rejonowym dla m. st. Warszawy, XIII Wydział Gospodarczy, pod numerem KRS: 0000044577, kapitał zakładowy: 576 854 559 PLN, kapitał opłacony w całości, NIP: 527-010-45-68, BDO: 000250055, EXATEL SA, ul. Perkuna 47, 04-164 Warszawa.

Niniejsza wiadomość jest własnością EXATEL SA i może zawierać informacje poufne i/lub prawnie chronione. Jeśli nie są Państwo właściwym adresatem (lub otrzymali Państwo tę wiadomość na skutek pomyłki), prosimy o tym fakcie niezwłocznie poinformować nadawcę i usunąć otrzymaną wiadomość. Każde nieautoryzowane kopiowanie, ujawnianie lub rozpowszechnianie załączonej informacji jest zabronione.

This e-mail is a property of EXATEL SA and may contain confidential and/or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient (or have received this e-mail by mistake) please notify the sender immediately and destroy this e-mail. Any unauthorized copying, disclosure or distribution of the material in this e-mail is strictly forbidden.

P4-discuss mailing list

Andy Fingerhut

Jul 3, 2020, 3:18:24 PM7/3/20
to p4-di...@lists.p4.org
Note that Vladimir's first link is non-functional due to a typo, not due problems with Barefoot/Intel's web site.  It should have been https://barefootnetworks.com

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