On 2024-05-09, Julia Bolton Holloway wrote:
> I love the Seamonkay composer, descended from Netscape. But recently, when
> I check a web page written with it, in "browse", the files often fail to
> show the images and I have to ftp them and look at the webpage in Firefox
> instead. Can this feature be restored by you please?
Could this be because you don't have local copies of these images in the
same directory/folder structure as in the web server you're publishing
How are the images addressed in the code (the "src" attribute, which
should be what is shown under "Image Location" in the image properties
in Composer(*))? Full web address? Relative path? Absolute path
(i.e. starts with a slash)?
(I think with a full web address an image should load, and relative
paths should work if the images are available in the same
directory/folder structure.
I'm not sure how to make absolute paths work.)
(*) To access these properties if there is nothing visible for the
images, try switching to the "HTML Tags" view, where you should be able
to see (and double-click or right-click) the "IMG" tag.
(And I realize I'm assuming the images are in <img> tags, if this is not
the case please let us know.)
Nuno Silva