DataStax Java Driver Mapper error on PrimitiveType cannot be cast to UserDefinedType

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Dongsheng Song

Jul 26, 2020, 11:42:27 AM7/26/20
to DataStax Java Driver for Apache Cassandra User Mailing List

When I use DataStax Java Driver 4.7.2 with the Mapper, I got a class cast error:

java.lang.ClassCastException: com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.type.PrimitiveType cannot be cast to com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.type.UserDefinedType

This error on the generated mapper code:

UserDefinedType udtType = (UserDefinedType) boundStatementBuilder.getType("counter");

Here is the DAO:

public class MyCounter {
private long id;
private long counter;

and the Mapper:

public interface MyCounterDao {
@Query("UPDATE ${qualifiedTableId} SET counter = counter + :counter WHERE id= :id")
void create(MyCounter counter);

Why the generated code treat the counter (long) as UserDefinedType ?

if (value != null) {
UserDefinedType udtType = (UserDefinedType) boundStatementBuilder.getType("counter");
UdtValue udtValue = udtType.newValue();
myCounterHelper.set(value, udtValue, NullSavingStrategy.DO_NOT_SET);
boundStatementBuilder = boundStatementBuilder.setUdtValue("counter", udtValue);
} else if (nullSavingStrategy == NullSavingStrategy.SET_TO_NULL) {
boundStatementBuilder = boundStatementBuilder.setUdtValue("counter", null);


Olivier Michallat

Jul 26, 2020, 1:22:05 PM7/26/20
to DataStax Java Driver for Apache Cassandra User Mailing List

When you annotate a method with @Query, the mapper assumes that each parameter will match a query placeholder with the same name. Therefore the generated code attempts to fill :counter with MyCounter counter. Then it needs to decide how to convert the value. When it's a custom Java type annotated with @Entity, it assumes that the target CQL column is a UDT.

Obviously this doesn't  work here, what you want is to map counter.getId() to :id and counter.getCounter() to :counter. Explicitly dereferencing fields like that is not supported. What you'd really need is something like @Insert or @Update, but they don't work with counter columns.
Currently the only workaround is to pass the fields individually:

    @Query("UPDATE ${qualifiedTableId} SET counter = counter + :counter WHERE id= :id")
    void create(long id, long counter);

I'll admit that this is a bit of a letdown. This problem came up already, we have an open ticket to provide better support for counter tables: JAVA-2721.

Hope this helps,

Olivier Michallat

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Dongsheng Song

Jul 27, 2020, 10:44:44 AM7/27/20
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