[RELEASE] Java driver 3.0.4

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Olivier Michallat

Sep 28, 2016, 6:54:04 PM9/28/16
to java-dri...@lists.datastax.com
We've just release a new patch release in the 3.0.x series.

The most important ticket is a refactoring of our connection pool (JAVA-893), which addresses a shortcoming of the previous implementation: acquiring a connection from the pool is now fully non-blocking, which means session.executeAsync won't block the calling thread under any circumstance. In particular, you can now safely run async queries on a session connected to a keyspace.

Other notable fixes include a corruption issue when frames exceeded the maximum size allowed by the protocol (JAVA-1292), and performance optimizations for compression (JAVA-1263).

Here's the full changelog:

- [improvement] JAVA-1246: Driver swallows the real exception in a few cases
- [improvement] JAVA-1261: Throw error when attempting to page in I/O thread.
- [bug] JAVA-1258: Regression: Mapper cannot map a materialized view after JAVA-1126.
- [bug] JAVA-1101: Batch and BatchStatement should consider inner statements to determine query idempotence
- [improvement] JAVA-1262: Use ParseUtils for quoting & unquoting.
- [improvement] JAVA-1275: Use Netty's default thread factory
- [bug] JAVA-1285: QueryBuilder routing key auto-discovery should handle case-sensitive column names.
- [bug] JAVA-1283: Don't cache failed query preparations in the mapper.
- [improvement] JAVA-1277: Expose AbstractSession.checkNotInEventLoop.
- [bug] JAVA-1272: BuiltStatement not able to print its query string if it contains mapped UDTs.
- [bug] JAVA-1292: 'Adjusted frame length' error breaks driver's ability to read data.
- [improvement] JAVA-1293: Make DecoderForStreamIdSize.MAX_FRAME_LENGTH configurable.
- [improvement] JAVA-1053: Add a metric for authentication errors
- [improvement] JAVA-1263: Eliminate unnecessary memory copies in FrameCompressor implementations.
- [improvement] JAVA-893: Make connection pool non-blocking

As usual, the driver is available from Maven and as a binary tarball; see the "Getting the driver" section in our online documentation:


The Java driver team

Stéphane Landelle

Sep 29, 2016, 2:33:37 AM9/29/16
to DataStax Java Driver for Apache Cassandra User Mailing List
Thanks a bunch for your hard work!
Do you have an ETA for porting and releasing those changes in the 3.1 branch?


Olivier Michallat

Sep 29, 2016, 4:57:42 PM9/29/16
to java-dri...@lists.datastax.com

No ETA at this point, but we'll definitely release a 3.1.1 as soon as possible to merge those changes.


Olivier Michallat

Driver & tools engineer, DataStax

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