Audition Reminders

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Matthew Sadowski DMA

Jan 18, 2022, 4:45:59 PM1/18/22
Hello! This is a friendly reminder that UCBWE auditions are taking place this week. Please make sure you have either signed up for an in-person audition slot or have everything you need to submit a digital one.
  1. Recorded auditions are due by 6 PM this Saturday (1/22).
  2. There are plenty of in-person audition slots remaining for those interested.
  3. Percussionists, if you are in Berkeley and would like to book time in BRH to practice timpani/mallet auditions, please do so by contacting the instructor.
Refer to the Audition Info page for details and instructions. If you are experiencing any difficulties or need accommodation, please don't hesitate to reach out and ask.

Happy practicing!

Matthew Sadowski, DMA
Director of Bands
Interim Department Manager, Student Musical Activities
University of California, Berkeley
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