Dear Herp group,
Our next seminar this semester will be by Vanesa Moreira from Tesoro Escondido, Ecuador. The title of her talk is: My life as a parabiologist at Tesoro Escondido Reserve.
I met Vanesa this past August when I was visiting the reserve. She is an excellent herpetologist who has spent a lot of time in the field (see her below on the right; photo by Adri Argoti).
Vanesa will be talking about herself, her work, her training, and herpetology monitoring at the reserve. The talk will be in Spanish with slides in English. We are also trying to ensure live captioning in English with zoom or google slides. We will meet in person in the GML and also hybrid on zoom. Hope to see you there!
Nov 13 | Vanesa Moreira, Parabiológa, Reserva Tesoro Escondido, Ecuador Title: My life as a parabiologist at Tesoro Escondido Reserve |
Nov 27 | Rafe Brown, Curator-in-charge, Herpetology Division, KU Biodiversity Institute and Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Kansas Title: TBD |
Rebecca (Becca) D. Tarvin
Assistant Professor, Department of Integrative Biology
Assistant Curator of Herpetology, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology
3101 Valley Life Sciences Building
University of California Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720-3160
Office: (510) 642-0308
Twitter: @frogsicles
Rebecca Tarvin
163 Weill Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720