rl-randomized-lavaworld-aug2023 is now Live on the Leaderboard

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Michael Majurski

Aug 25, 2023, 6:34:12 PM8/25/23
to trojai-community
Hello TrojAI participants,

The latest RL Randomized Lavaworld round rl-randomized-lavaworld-aug2023 round is now open on the leaderboard:

Data download is currently on a per-request basis; just while we move the dataset through the publication and release process.

Make sure all submissions base their container on the trojai-example found at https://github.com/usnistgov/trojai-example/tree/rl-randomized-lavaworld-aug2023

Note: this round is using a staged training data release. Initially just a single example model will be available. As the round goes on the T&E team will release additional training datasets once performance plateaus on the leaderboard. The leaderboard has a new column for tracking which training dataset revision was available when the container was submitted to the leaderboard.

If you have not submitted a container to the TrojAI evaluation system in awhile, please consider doing so.

We look forward to seeing everyone's performance.

Good luck trojan hunting.

The TrojAI Team
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