Stanger, Adrian D
unread,Jul 22, 2020, 1:03:08 PM7/22/20Sign in to reply to author
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to, Stanger, Adrian D
NSA has been asked by many of our partners our view on the NIST Post-Quantum Process and the algorithms being analyzed. We intend to provide our high-level guidance on the algorithms for our customers on our website, and we plan to post the same information to this newsgroup at their request. We recognize it will not contain the same insightful and detailed analysis that is common for the newsgroup. We hope to have that available in the next day or so. This represents one aspect of the Cybersecurity Directorate's effort to be more public and transparent in our efforts to secure national security systems.
Meanwhile, we want to publicly thank NIST again for all of the effort they have made in this process. It is a challenging and laborious work which is often under-appreciated. We remain optimistic that NIST will select algorithms which will be secure for national security and commercial use cases.