Round 1 (Additional Signatures) OFFICIAL COMMENT: SDitH

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Kevin Carrier

Aug 3, 2023, 8:02:36 AM8/3/23
to,, Jean-Pierre Tillich
Dear SDiTH, dear all,

We wish to report here that the security level of SDitH has been underestimated *at least* by about 1 to 9 bits for the parameters given in the specification document.

The reason why there is an improved attack:

A key recovery attack on SDitH is as hard as solving the d-split Syndrome Decoding problem (SD(d)). Unfortunately, the specification document of SDitH does not take into account that for the regime of parameters which is chosen, SD(d) has actually several solutions: between 31 and 748 depending on the parameters. The security analysis provided in Section 7.1 of the SDitH submission ignores this point.

The gain we report on the parameters is however less than this number of solutions because the complexity of SD(d) has been obtained in the specification document by a reduction of standard syndrome decoding (this corresponds to SD(1)) to SD(d)). This reduction is not tight in the case at hand, when there are several solutions. We wish to mention however that our complexity claims correspond to an actual attack adapting Christiane Peters' ISD [1] to the d-split problem where the complexity is computed with a formula making similar assumptions as the  formula for the ISD cost given p.50 of the specification document. Full details are given here.

Results :

The complexity of solving SD(d) which is instrumental in estimating the security of SDitH is estimated apparently in the specification document of SDitH when d>1 by relying on (a) a lower bound on the complexity T(d) for solving SD(d) relying on Theorem 6.1 p.48 (b) an estimation of the complexity T(1) of the best algorithm for solving SD(1). Note that this lower bound is not tight when there is more than one solution to the SD(1) problem.

For each set of parameters of SDitH, we give
(i) the target bit security, 
(ii) the estimated lower bound on T(d) following from Theorem 6.1 p.48 and the estimated cost for solving SD(1) (end of Section 7.1) in the specification document of SDitH, 
(iii) the actual complexity of Peters' ISD adaptation to the SD(d) problem taking into account that there are multiple solutions.

SDitH_L1_gf256: (i) 143 bits, (ii) T(d)>=143.5 bits and T(1)=143.5 bits, (iii) 134.6 bits.
SDitH_L1_gf251: (i) 143 bits, (ii) T(d)>=143.4 bits and T(1)=143.4 bits, (iii) 133.9 bits.
SDitH_L3_gf256: (i) 207 bits, (ii) T(d)>=207.7 bits and T(1)=211.2 bits, (iii) 206.2 bits.
SDitH_L3_gf251: (i) 207 bits, (ii) T(d)>=207.6 bits and T(1)=211.1 bits, (iii) 205.0 bits.
SDitH_L5_gf256: (i) 272 bits, (ii) T(d)>=272.3 bits and T(1)=276.0 bits, (iii) 271.3 bits.
SDitH_L5_gf251: (i) 272 bits, (ii) T(d)>=272.3 bits and T(1)=276.0 bits, (iii) 269.8 bits.

Best regards,

Kevin Carrier and Jean-Pierre Tillich

[1] C. Peters. Information-set decoding for linear codes over Fq. In N. Sendrier, editor, The Third International Workshop on Post-Quantum Cryptography, PQCRYPTO 2010, pages 81–94. Springer, Heidelberg, 2010


Kevin Carrier

Aug 3, 2023, 8:02:40 AM8/3/23

Matthieu Rivain

Aug 4, 2023, 11:38:36 AM8/4/23
to Kevin Carrier,,, SDitH Consortium
Dear Kevin and Jean-Pierre,

Thank you for your official comment. We acknowledge that our parameter generation script seems to be missing a factor that results in a misestimation of the complexity of traditional attacks (more on this below).

Two aspects are at play here:
1) There appears to be multiple solutions in our SD instances, which lower the complexity of the best attack;
2) SDitH relies on the d-split variant of Syndrome Decoding.

First of all, it is important to clarify that parameters for Category 1 are *not* based on the d-split variant. To be more precise, such parameters are instead based on the traditional Syndrome Decoding problem (which is the same as d-split with d=1).

Regarding 1):

To begin, we noted that your write-up is missing a component when computing the number of existing solutions; in equation (7), for instance, there should be a multiplicative factor of (q-1)^w. Without such a factor, your calculations yield in fact only 1 solution (or 2 if rounding up), and lead to the expected security target (e.g. 143 for category 1 parameters). Once this factor is included, we obtain a significant number of solutions (e.g. 460 for category 1 parameters). Could you please share the details of your calculations, confirming our intuition, and justifying the claimed “31 to 748” numbers?

If the above is confirmed, then the presence of such multiple solutions is due to an oversight in the calculation of the GV distance. In fact, in our parameter generation script, the factor present is (q-1)^(w-1), where it should have been (q-1)^w. 

Upon confirmation, we will propose updated parameters to fix this issue. This should not greatly affect the sizes and performances of SDitH.

Regarding 2): We would like to stress that no security loss comes from using the d-split problem. Indeed, Theorem 6.1 gives a security reduction: breaking the d-split problem implies breaking a standard SD problem whose parameters are chosen to give the desired security level for the d-split instance (given the theorem bound). This might actually be over-conservative in terms of security.

Thanks again for your analysis and best regards,

The SDitH consortium

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Kevin Carrier

Aug 4, 2023, 1:59:44 PM8/4/23
to, SDitH Consortium,
Dear SDitH consortium,

First, there is indeed a typo in Equations (7) and (8) of our pdf: the factor (q-1)^w is missing. Of course, we have taken this factor into consideration in the results that we give. A corrected version of our draft is available here or in the attached file.

Concerning Theorem 6.1, we do not questions the truth of it. We only say that the inequality given in this theorem is not tight when SD(d) has many solutions. The proof in [FJR22, Appendix A] is essentially based on the probability that an SD(1) problem becomes an SD(d) problem when the positions are randomly permuted. This probability is not binom(n/d,w/d)^d/binom(n,w) but something greater when there is many solutions. 

That does not imply a security loss but only that the security is underestimated when using this theorem. 

Best regards,


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