TLS oriented figure of merit for signature sizes

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Watson Ladd

Jun 1, 2023, 6:20:42 PM6/1/23
Dear PQniks,

I propose the following figure of merit for signature sizes:
3*signature size + 2 *public key size. To normalize for comparison we
can divide by 5. This is inspired by what goes over the wire in a TLS
handshake: an intermediate cert and end entity cert each with a
signature and public key, and a signature on a key exchange. Larger
certificate chains bring the ratio closer to 1:1.

This figure of merit is not applicable for all situations, but may
prove instructive for TLS and similar protocols and guide in parameter

Watson Ladd

Astra mortemque praestare gradatim

Bas Westerbaan

Jun 1, 2023, 6:38:44 PM6/1/23
to Watson Ladd,
This is inspired by what goes over the wire in a TLS
handshake: an intermediate cert and end entity cert each with a
signature and public key, and a signature on a key exchange. Larger
certificate chains bring the ratio closer to 1:1.

Great idea. I'd add two extra signatures on top for Certificate Transparency's SCTs. [1]



[1] And we might be headed to three even.

Kampanakis, Panos

Jun 2, 2023, 9:59:42 AM6/2/23
to Bas Westerbaan, Watson Ladd, pqc-forum

+1, but for the general case I would not count SCTs.  

Maybe there could  be a “general TLS figure of merit” and a “web TLS figure of merit”.


From: 'Bas Westerbaan' via pqc-forum <>
Sent: Friday, June 2, 2023 1:38 AM
To: Watson Ladd <>
Cc: <>
Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL][pqc-forum] TLS oriented figure of merit for signature sizes


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D. J. Bernstein

Jun 16, 2023, 8:50:53 AM6/16/23
Watson Ladd writes:
> I propose the following figure of merit for signature sizes:
> 3*signature size + 2 *public key size.

Straightforward caching of reused keys and signatures moves the 3 and 2
much closer to 1 and 0.

The typical web page is above 2MB and growing. Transmitting current
keys+signatures is a negligible part of the costs of HTTPS. There has
been very little incentive to deploy caching mechanisms. However, if
plugging a post-quantum system into HTTPS turns these sizes into
important costs, then people will respond with caching, at which point
counting 3*siglen+2*pklen will be an overestimate of costs.

Also, if the remaining 1*siglen (the fresh signature in SIGMA) is large
enough by itself to be an important cost, then people will respond by
replacing that signature with a KEM ciphertext, which is an attractive
option in any case.

I would rather see a metric chosen on the basis of evidence that the
metric reflects important long-term costs that users will see throughout
the lifetime of the signature system.

---D. J. Bernstein
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