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Sydney Antonov

Apr 20, 2022, 7:21:10 PM4/20/22
Dear all,

SPHINCS+ relies on the distinct-function, multi-target second-preimage
resistance (DM-SPR) of the underlying keyed hash function. This
property can be broken for SHA-256(key||message) (which is used by
SPHINCS+-SHA-256) using around (t-1)2**128 + 2^256/t compression function
calls when attacking t targets using the following attack:

In this attack keys are initial hash values instead of message prefixes,
without loss of generality.

Let C: {0,1}^256 x {0,1}^512 -> {0,1}^256 be SHA-256's compression

1. If there are multiple keys:
1.1. For each pair of keys (k, l):
1.1.1. Find an (x_k, x_l) such that y = C(k, x_k) = C(l, x_l).
This can be done using around 2^128 compression function calls.
1.1.2. Replace the pair with the single key y.
1.2. If there's a remaining key k because there was an odd number of
keys replace it with C(k, 0).
1.3. Repeat step 1.
2. Find a SHA-256 preimage of one of the targets using the final key as
an IV. This can be done using around 2^256/t compression function
3. Concatenate the sequence of compression function blocks used in step
1 to derive the final key from the key corresponding to the target
for which a second-preimage was found by step 2.
4. Concatenate the results of step 3 and step 2.

The result of step 4 is a preimage for one of the targets and an attacker
can ensure it's almost certainly not the original one by randomizing
step 2.

This attack means the use of unique prefixes/IVs with SHA-256 provides
very little protection against multi-target second-preimage attacks when
t < 2^64, but it's less effective on truncated SHA-256.

If "internal claws" could be found with cost c, this attack would cost
(t-1)c + 2^256/t, so if they could be found more efficiently it could
also threaten SHAKE256 and truncated SHA-256. Also claw-freeness seems
almost as strong an assumption as collision-resistance so I don't think
it's a desirable assumption for a collision-resilient signature scheme.


Andreas Hülsing

Apr 21, 2022, 3:51:44 AM4/21/22
to Sydney Antonov,,
Dear Sydney,

Thanks for looking at SPHINCS+. This is an interesting attack that does
demonstrate that our real hash functions do not perfectly behave like
random oracles (and that the chaining value of SHA2 may be a bit too
short for some use cases). Luckily its impact against SPHINCS+ is
limited (that is of course if I did not miss anything). The reason is
that SPHINCS+ only needs DM-SPR for SHA2 with fixed length messages. The
longest message length used is 67*n (+n for the key) bytes which occurs
in the compression of the WOTS public keys for w=16 and uses 34
compression function calls. This means you can at most gain a 2^33
speed-up / 33 bits of security for the n=32 variant, classically.

As you mentioned, the impact is less for the truncated variants. To be
precise, for n = 16 there will be no advantage as the internal state is
twice the length of the hash values, so finding collisions on that state
takes as much time as finding preimages. For n=24 the maximum message
length processed by SHA2 in the relevant setting is bounded by 51,
meaning 26 compression function calls, and hence at most a 2^26 speed-up.

For quantum attacks, the difference between collision search and
preimage search shrinks down even if we do not take access times for
quantum accessible memory into account. E.g., for n = 24 the attack cost
would be  (t-1)2**64 + 2^96/t in the ideal case where memory access is
free. In this case one can at most gain 16 bits anyway and using
reasonable estimates for memory access, even less.

Best wishes,



Apr 21, 2022, 4:24:26 AM4/21/22
to pqc-forum, Andreas Hülsing,, Sydney Antonov,
Thanks for the discussion.

What do you think using KMAC or HMAC instead of Hash(Key||Message). I think these structures resist Sydney's attack.


21 Nisan 2022 Perşembe tarihinde saat 10:51:44 UTC+3 itibarıyla Andreas Hülsing şunları yazdı:

Sydney Antonov

Apr 21, 2022, 6:11:42 AM4/21/22
to msg,, Andreas Hülsing,
> For quantum attacks, the difference between collision search and
> preimage search shrinks down even if we do not take access times for
> quantum accessible memory into account. E.g., for n = 24 the attack cost
> would be (t-1)2**64 + 2^96/t in the ideal case where memory access is
> free. In this case one can at most gain 16 bits anyway and using
> reasonable estimates for memory access, even less.

I think the cost of 192-bit Grover search is at least 2^128 because
attackers don't have time for 2^96 iterations of Grover's algorithm so
instead would have to do something like build 2^64 quantum computers
which each do 2^64 iterations in parallel.

> What do you think using KMAC or HMAC instead of Hash(Key||Message).
> I think these structures resist Sydney's attack.

KMAC is a totally different construction to HMAC. It adsorbs the key
once at the start so it's as vulnerable as to my attack SHAKE. That
is, it could become vulnerable if a breakthrough is made in Keccak
cryptanalysis. Internal collisions in SHAKE256 require around 2^256
classical queries to the Keccak permutation if it's modeled as a random
oracle. The best known attacks are no better than generic attacks.


Sydney Antonov

Apr 21, 2022, 3:19:20 PM4/21/22
to Andreas Hülsing,,
Dear Andreas,

> Thanks for looking at SPHINCS+. This is an interesting attack that does
> demonstrate that our real hash functions do not perfectly behave like
> random oracles (and that the chaining value of SHA2 may be a bit too
> short for some use cases). Luckily its impact against SPHINCS+ is
> limited (that is of course if I did not miss anything). The reason is
> that SPHINCS+ only needs DM-SPR for SHA2 with fixed length messages. The
> longest message length used is 67*n (+n for the key) bytes which occurs
> in the compression of the WOTS public keys for w=16 and uses 34
> compression function calls. This means you can at most gain a 2^33
> speed-up / 33 bits of security for the n=32 variant, classically.

This can be improved upon using a ternary tree of 3-claws with that
message block limitation.

The number of 3-claws required is just under half the number of targets
(1/3 + 1/9 + ... = 1/2) and finding a 3-claw uses around 3*2**((2/3)256)
compression function calls so the total cost is around 1.5t2^((2/3)256) +
(2^256)/t compression function calls.

The optimal number of targets for that formula is sqrt((2^(256/3))/1.5)
= 2^42.374... = 3^26.735..., resulting in a 2^214.63 attack.

P.S. Maybe this attack can be optimized further by mixing 2-claws and 3-claws.


Sydney Antonov

Apr 22, 2022, 5:49:47 AM4/22/22
to Sydney Antonov, Andreas Hülsing,,
> P.S. Maybe this attack can be optimized further by mixing 2-claws and 3-claws.

It can. The following is a 2^209.91 attack against 2^10*3^23 =
2^46.454... targets:

In this attack keys are initial hash values instead of message prefixes,
without loss of generality.

Let C: {0,1}^256 x {0,1}^512 -> {0,1}^256 be SHA-256's compression

1. Repeat 10 times:
1.1. For each pair of keys (k, l):
1.1.1. Find an (x_k, x_l) such that y = C(k, x_k) = C(l, x_l).
This can be done using around 2*2^(256/2) compression function calls.
1.1.2. Replace the pair with the single key y.
2. Repeat 23 times:
2.1. For each trio of keys (k, l, m):
2.1.1. Find an (x_k, x_l, x_m) such that y = C(k, x_k) = C(l, x_l) = C(m, x_m).
This can be done using around (3/2)2^((2/3)256) compression function calls.
2.1.2. Replace the trio with the single key y.
3. Find a SHA-256 preimage of one of the targets using the final key
as an IV. This can be done using around 2^256/2^10/3^23 compression
function calls.
4. Concatenate the sequence of compression function blocks used in steps
1 and 2 to derive the final key from the key corresponding to the target
for which a preimage was found by step 3.
5. Concatenate the results of step 4 and step 3.

The result of step 5 is a preimage for one of the targets and an attacker
can ensure it's almost certainly not the original one by randomizing
step 3.

In total this attack makes around 2^10*3^23*2*2^(256/2) +
3^23*(3/2)*2^((2/3)256) + 2^256/2^10/3^23 or 2^209.91 compression
function calls.

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