[NIST PQC Seminar] Daniel J. Bernstein - January 15, 2021

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Dec 23, 2020, 3:12:10 AM12/23/20
to pqc-forum
Hi all,

I would like to announce the second talk in our 3rd Round Seminar Series -- this time, the first talk in the "Algorithms/Theory" track.

This talk will be open to the public, hosted on the Webex video conferencing software, and recorded. We plan to post the video -- with closed-captioning added -- on our website near after.

The next talk will be by Daniel J. Bernstein of University of Illinois at Chicago and Ruhr University Bochum on essential elements of lattice cryptanalytic theory. The talk details are as follows:


TITLE: Valuations and S-units

DATE: Friday, January 15, 2021

TIME: 11:00am - Noon (with Q&A afterward), Eastern time
[This event will begin at 8am in Los Angeles, and at 4pm in London.]


This talk reviews a standard infinite-dimensional
number-theoretic lattice that simultaneously shows how large numbers
are and how they factor. The ability to decode this lattice in some
surprisingly large cases plays a critical role in a new wave of
attacks against ideal-lattice problems. This talk will focus on
defining the lattice, with many examples to illustrate.

This is an introductory talk aimed at a broad audience.
Prerequisites: mathematics education up to and including a course in
undergraduate abstract algebra (commutative rings and fields).


We plan to post a link to join the Webex session for the talk on our website (https://nist.gov/pqcrypto) and/or in this pqc-forum thread closer to talk date/time.

Merry Christmas, Happy New Years, and Happy Holidays -- we hope to see you in 2021,
--Daniel Apon, NIST PQC


Jan 8, 2021, 11:27:42 PM1/8/21
to pqc-forum
Hi all,

This is a reminder announcement that Dan Bernstein's Round 3 NIST PQC Seminar talk, "Valuations and S-units," is scheduled to take place in approximately one week.
The plan is to host it on Webex on Friday, January 15, 2021 from 11:00am to Noon, Eastern time (i.e. event starting at 8am in Los Angeles and 4pm in London).

We are in the process of wrapping up some final administrative details, and plan to post a public Webex link to attend the event here on the pqc-forum and also on our website once everything is in place.

Hope to see you this next Friday!
--Daniel Apon, NIST PQC


Jan 13, 2021, 3:24:49 PM1/13/21
to pqc-forum, daniel.apon
The link for the seminar is:

or you can go to our seminar page at:

The seminar page has more info if you need it, including a call-in number.

Dustin Moody


Jan 15, 2021, 10:45:17 AM1/15/21
to pqc-forum, dustin...@nist.gov, daniel.apon
Starting in 15 minutes


Jan 15, 2021, 1:29:30 PM1/15/21
to pqc-forum, daniel.apon, dustin...@nist.gov
Thanks for the excellent talk, Dan! Very interesting stuff

The talk recording will be posted on our website at https://csrc.nist.gov/projects/post-quantum-cryptography/workshops-and-timeline/round-3-seminars once we've had a chance to apply closed-captioning/etc.

All, FYI-
We currently have another one or two speakers lined up for talks in the next couple of months. We plan to announce those in the near future.
But, as Dustin mentioned, we plan to have the 3rd NIST PQC Standardization Conference happen around the end of May or early June, so this NIST PQC Seminar Series will go into a lull around then to focus efforts on the Conference.

We may consider continuing the NIST PQC Seminar Series after the Conference, depending on the quality of talks offered, what ground is covered at the Conference, the needs of the community, and so on. If you would like to propose giving a future talk for the Seminar Series (likely after the Standardization Conference, although we might want to fit one more in before the Conference..), please jointly email me at danie...@nist.gov and Dustin at dustin...@nist.gov to propose a topic/abstract.



Jan 22, 2021, 2:16:26 PM1/22/21
to pqc-forum, daniel.apon, dustin...@nist.gov
The presentation slides and video recording for Dan Bernstein's talk from Jan 15 are now available at https://csrc.nist.gov/projects/post-quantum-cryptography/workshops-and-timeline/round-3-seminars


Jan 22, 2021, 7:08:26 PM1/22/21
to daniel.apon, pqc-forum, dustin...@nist.gov
Thanks for sharing the link.



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