Google's NewHope experiment triggered a wave of NewHope variants,
including at least three submissions with new patent applications in
2016 and 2017: KCL/OKCN/AKCN/CNKE, Lizard, and Round2.
Have there been any in-depth analyses of the extent to which the patents
on those three submissions threaten other cryptosystems, such as NISTPQC
submissions currently under consideration for standardization?
KCL/OKCN/AKCN/CNKE listed two patent applications. Those were filed in
November 2016, a month before the publication of "NewHope without
reconciliation" (the Kyber predecessor), and turned into two patents in
Lizard listed one patent application. This was also filed in November
2016, and turned into a patent in South Korea plus an application in the
U.S. with somewhat different claims (possibly still changing; a serious
analysis has to go through the whole patent file wrapper):
Round2 listed several patent applications. These had various priority
dates, for example turning into the following patents filed in May 2017
and October 2017 respectively:
None of these patents are as old as the main topics of pqc-forum patent
discussions, namely the patents from BIKE/HQC/RQC/Ouroborus and Ding Key
Exchange (U.S. patents 9094189 and 9246675), but all of these patents
predate the NISTPQC submission deadline and the publication of most