Kyber decisions, part 1: Symmetric crypto

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Peter Schwabe

Dec 3, 2022, 8:04:05 PM12/3/22
to pqc-forum,
Dear all,

This e-mail is a follow-up to our presentation at the 4th NIST PQC
standarization workshop and one of two mails meant to continue and
eventually conclude discussions towards the standardization of Kyber.
Several questions, possible tweaks, and ideas have been proposed by
members of the team, by researchers and future users from the community,
and by NIST. The discussion about the standardization of Kyber-512 has
already been covered in the mail by Dustin from November 30. The
remaining discussions fall roughly into two categories, hence two e-mail
threads. Part 1 (this e-mail) is about the choice of symmetric
primitives in Kyber.

As a reminder, round-3 Kyber uses multiple algorithms from the Keccak
family (FIPS202). Domain separation is achieved partially by using
different functions (SHAKE-128, SHAKE-256, SHA3-256, and SHA3-512) and
partially by input length. Performance of software implementations of
Kyber is currently bottlenecked by Keccak permutations; in order to
showcase the possible performance of Kyber with hardware support for
symmetric primitives, we also described a "90s" variant based on AES and

We have received several questions along the lines of "What about Kyber
with X instead of Keccak?" (typically with X taking values from the 90s
variant or possibly allowing users of Kyber to choose any symmetric
crypto they fancy). The team feels that having multiple incompatible
versions of Kyber is not desirable and the obvious choice is to stick to
Keccak as the sole underlying symmetric primitive. However, we continue
to be interested in hearing opinions and feedback about this. Also, even
when fixing Keccak as underlying symmetric primitives, there are still
two open questions:

1.) Should Kyber continue to use different functions from the FIPS202
standard and rely on the internal domain separation of those
functions or use just cSHAKE or KMAC from NIST SP-800-185 with
explicit domain separation? The advantage of such a change is that
fewer Keccak-based functions would be used and that analysis of
domain separation would be easier. The disadvantage is that one
either needs additional Keccak permutations to process domain
separation or needs to store pre-computed Keccak states (after
absorbing domain separation), one per domain-separated function.

2.) Should the generation of the public matrix A use a 12-round version
of Keccak ("TurboSHAKE") instead of the standard 24-round version.
This was proposed by the Keccak team and speeds up one of the most
costly subroutines of Kyber by a factor of 2. All properties one
would expect from a hash function are achieved by Keccak with 12
rounds (by a comfortable margin!). Also, the requirements on the
output of this function are rather weak; informally it should look
uniformly random and not interact in weird ways with the lattice
problems. The main disadvantage of moving to a 12-round version of
Keccak is that it requires phrasing the function in terms of
lower-level functions of FIPS202 instead of simply using one of the
SHA3/SHAKE functions.

We're looking forward to hearing what everybody thinks!

All the best,

The Kyber team

John Mattsson

Dec 4, 2022, 8:18:50 AM12/4/22
to Peter Schwabe, pqc-forum,



1) Using cSHAKE/KMAC seems nice, but I don't know the details of how it affects implementation complexity/performance. I trust NIST/the authors to make right choices.


2) Yes. I think it is a good idea to use a 12-round version of Keccak ("TurboSHAKE") . As stated, TurboSHAKE seems to be a cryptographically secure hash function with a good margin. I don't see any problems using it for the Kyber XOF which have lower requirements. I don't think phrasing Kyber in terms of Keccak is a disadvantage. I think is it essential that implementations support lower-level functions like Keccac-p and the AES round function. FIPS 202 clearly states that other KECCAK-p permutations may be specified in the future. Any implementation not adhering to this have themself to blame. Kyber will likely be with us for many decades, optimize for the future, not HW already on the market.




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Blumenthal, Uri - 0553 - MITLL

Dec 4, 2022, 9:46:49 AM12/4/22
to John Mattsson, Peter Schwabe, pqc-forum

Both of these proposals make sense. However, I’d like to underscore the importance of:


  1. Kyber uses one PRF, not a bunch (perhaps, with one exception for matrix expansion); and
  2. Whatever PRF it uses – is a NIST standard.


I’d love to see TurboSHAKE there – assuming NIST makes it a standard.




P.S. If that NIST-blessed PRF turns out to be SHA2-based, not SHA-3, I’ll welcome that, as it seems that the world-wide PKI is stuck with SHA-2 for foreseeable future – thus all the PK-related crypto will have to support it no matter what.


P.P.S. If the world decides that one standard secure hash family is enough, and deprecates either one of the two (I don’t particularly care which one), it would be great. Of course, I doubt I’d see it, but one is allowed to hope… ;-)





There are two ways to design a system. One is to make it so simple there are obviously no deficiencies.

The other is to make it so complex there are no obvious deficiencies.

                                                                                                                                     -  C. A. R. Hoare

Simon Hoerder

Dec 4, 2022, 1:13:54 PM12/4/22

regarding TurboSHAKE I see a messaging problem:
* Allowing TurboSHAKE for PQC but not for hashing is inconsistent.
Message hashing tends to process far more data than is needed for PQC
and is supposed to use the slow method?
* Anyone who deployed SHA-3 / SHAKE so far was counting that as "PQC
preparedness". In SW / SW+ISE implementations it shouldn't be a big
issue to change to round reduced variants but in HW co-processors it
is not a common thing to have a configurable number of rounds. Do you
want to tell those people that they can't use their HW accelerators
for PQC even if there are no security issues? (Not sure how many
there are but I very much suspect the number is > 0 in infrastructure

The solution would be to update SHA-3 / SHAKE with additional
round-reduced parameter sets and to specify additional PQC parameter
sets that use SHA-3 / SHAKE as it is now. For Kyber that could be
Kyber-512, Kyber-768 and Kyber-1024 with round reduced SHAKE and at
least Kyber-1024-c with classic SHA-3/SHAKE.

I would also like to point out that all HW vendors aiming for CNSA 2.0
transition timelines will be working at least on SHA-3/SHAKE today.
Getting clarity regarding (Turbo- and C-)SHAKE versions asap is a
priority in this context.

Finally, this is not just an issue for Kyber, it is an issue for all PQC
algorithms that rely on SHA-3/SHAKE.

(speaking only for myself)

Op 04/12/2022 om 02:03 schreef Peter Schwabe:

Peter Schwabe

Dec 4, 2022, 8:39:14 PM12/4/22
to Blumenthal, Uri - 0553 - MITLL, John Mattsson, Peter Schwabe, pqc-forum
"Blumenthal, Uri - 0553 - MITLL" <> wrote:

Dear Uri, dear all,

> Both of these proposals make sense. However, I’d like to underscore
> the importance of:
> Kyber uses one PRF, not a bunch (perhaps, with one exception for
> matrix expansion); and Whatever PRF it uses – is a NIST standard.

This may be nitpicking, but I just want to clarify so that everybody is
on the same page: Just one PRF is not sufficient as symmetric building
block for Kyber; we *do* need hash functions and we do need a XOF.

I would like to understand the reasons for preferring the cSHAKE
solution. At least for software implementations, this will not
significantly reduce code complexity. For any of the proposed solutions,
the costly core routine is the Keccak permutation. For hardware
implementations it depends on what exactly is implemented in hardware
and what the interfaces look like.

All the best,


Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen

Dec 4, 2022, 10:04:31 PM12/4/22
to pqc-forum, Peter Schwabe, John Mattsson, pqc-forum,
Hi All,

I'd think that as long as the hardware module can handle various rate/capacity values, differences between SHA3-256/512, SHAKE128, and SHAKE256 are indeed trivial (effectively the contents of one padding byte.) As Peter noted, it is purely a matter of domain separation.

- Side-channel secure implementations complicate this a bit. Using the function names of the Kyber spec, the "G", "PRF", and "KDF" instances need a masked Keccak, while the "XOF" or "H" doesn't need to be (if I recall correctly!). If there is no direct hardware support for it, masked Keccak permutations are much more expensive than regular ones. So having the minimum required "rate" parameter to the security level, there is preferable (assuming that the input is long enough to affect the number of permutations; for short inputs, it makes no difference.)

- I would prefer domain separation based on input encoding rather than using cSHAKE: Most hardware architects probably agree that zeroing the state at initialization is preferable to having a (muxed) 1600-bit holding register -- as would be required to skip the first permutation in cSHAKE. cSHAKE may also force additional masking refreshes on "secret hashes" if some particularly unfortunate mode selection is made.

- To me, a 12-round Keccak, especially as an XOF for the expansion of A matrix (where security requirements are low -- the input and output are always public), makes total sense. Dilithium would equivalently benefit from this. TurboSHAKE is very natural as long as the round constants are selected as they have "always" been selected (e.g. in KangarooTwelve - "K12.")

- The TurboSHAKE talk discussed features that go a little bit beyond K12; I interpreted "multi-string" as input domain separation in the style of TupleHash (which is in SP 800-185). Additionally, any design decision that increases the potential for parallelism of permutations would be preferable. The theory of permutation-based cryptography facilitates a bit more of this than is currently used in NIST standard Keccak modes (yep, I know that the "A" extension XOFs in Kyber and Dilithium are already running in a de facto counter mode.)

- markku

Dr. Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen <>

Mike Hamburg

Dec 5, 2022, 8:00:02 AM12/5/22
to pqc-forum
[Attempting to re-send, since the list server is flaking out.  Apologies if you received this more than once.]

Hi all,

I mostly agree with Markku here.

I think it’s better to domain separate based on input encoding instead of based on cSHAKE.  It’s not as broadly supported as SHAKE, and if you have several separate instances then you either need an extra permutation call or else several precomputed 200-byte states, which is significant in hardware or perhaps in embedded software.  For ThreeBears I used cSHAKE(parameters || purpose || data) with a fixed personalization string “ThreeBears”, but raw SHAKE would have been about as good — using cSHAKE and personalization was probably overkill.  Here the `parameters` are different between different KEM instances (in your case eg Kyber512 vs Kyber768 vs Kyber1024).  The goal is that if someone accidentally reuses a seed string for different key sizes, they won’t get closely related keys.  The `purpose` is what you’re using it for (hash, keygen, generate A, encrypt, PRF etc).  The whole (parameters || purpose) block has a fixed 8-byte aligned size, in case clients are optimized for that.  You could also put the counter in the purpose block, but I put it at the end to simplify use of parallel hashing APIs.

I agree that it would be cryptographically fine to generate A using TurboSHAKE, and whether to do this is mostly a matter of support (in hardware, ISEs, parallel or serial libraries etc) vs speed.  The counterpoint is that Kyber is basically fast enough already, and that introducing a different function causes more disruption than it’s worth even pre-standardization.  I would not want to go beyond the existing mode (sponge construction in counter mode) to avoid causing problems for hardware.  In particular I would not want to use a Farfalle construction.  But since expanding A is called on fixed-size objects, it’s possible that it would not go beyond sponge mode even if TurboSHAKE can do this in general.

To help weigh this, do you have a profile for what fraction of Kyber’s (or Dilithium’s) runtime is specifically the generation of A?

— Mike

Dec 5, 2022, 12:56:56 PM12/5/22
to pqc-forum,
Hi all,

I just want to add that the runtime benefit of TurboSHAKE is a likely lot higher for Dilithium (compared to Kyber), especially for memory-constrained devices. While the larger matrix dimensions are partly to blame, the more important difference is that storing A in full (between 12 and 42kB) is simply not an option on many devices (neither in SRAM nor in NVM). This means that A has to be re-generated in each iteration of the rejection loop, adding a huge performance penalty.

The impact of such a re-generation was analyzed in The numbers in the paper maybe can't be used to derive the exact overhead of re-generating A (Paper uses 2nd-round Dilithium, and the implementation that re-generates A also computes y twice to save even more memory), but they do show the general direction: the reported runtime overhead is over 3x. A switch to TurboSHAKE would be highly beneficial there, even more in absolute than in relative terms.

BR Peter

Peter Schwabe

Dec 9, 2022, 7:15:12 AM12/9/22
to Mike Hamburg, Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen, pqc-forum, Peter Schwabe, John Mattsson,
Mike Hamburg <> wrote:
> Hi all,

Hi Mike, hi all,
That's highly platform dependent. I just ran some benchmarks on a
Haswell machine for the AVX2-optimized implementation. What I'm getting

====== KYBER 512 ======

keygen: 25120
encaps: 39180
decaps: 30868
gen_A: 7472
xof: 6088

====== KYBER 768 ======

keygen: 43596
encaps: 59464
decaps: 47684
gen_A: 20320
xof: 16865

====== KYBER 1024 ======

keygen: 60396
encaps: 83576
decaps: 67656
gen_A: 29664
xof: 24109

Here, "gen_A" is the full cycles for generation of the matrix A,
including the cycles for rejection sampling; "xof" is the cycles used on
SHAKE-128, i.e., the cycles that would pretty exactly halve when moving
to TurboSHAKE.

Note that in this implementation, the generation of A is using a fast
vectorized implementation of Keccak (vectorizing across different matrix
entries), while many other calls to Keccak are sequential and thus much
slower. On embedded platforms like the M4 I would expect the relative
cost for "xof" to be considerably higher, simply because there is no
speedup from vectorization. I can run those benchmarks when I'm back
from my travels.

On the other hand, in a masked implementation I would expect the
relative cost of "xof" to be much lower, simply because we don't require
masking in the generation of A, but we do for most other Keccak calls.

With HW acceleration of Keccak it's somewhat hard to predict and it will
depend a lot on how large the acceleration is: on the one hand, all
Keccak calls will likely have the same cost (so matrix generation will
be relatively more costly compared to other Keccak calls than in the
AVX2 implementation), but on the other hand, one would expect polynomial
arithmetic to use a more significant portion of the cycles, so overall
the cost for Keccak permutations might not matter all that much.

Does this help?

All the best,


Mike Hamburg

Dec 9, 2022, 9:53:19 AM12/9/22
to Peter Schwabe, Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen, pqc-forum, John Mattsson,
Hi Peter, thanks for this data.

It looks like the savings in the cases above, for a full key exchange assuming
that decaps regenerates A, are about 10%, 17% and 17% for the three security
levels.  That’s not nothing, but it’s not a huge amount either.  Also, in terms of
absolute time savings on eg 3 GHz Haswell, even for Kyber 1024 we’re looking
at about 12µs savings for the entire key exchange.  I’m not convinced that’s worth
the change, even though it’s cryptographically fine.

Maybe on the M4 it will be relevant, though again I’m not sure many M4-class
devices will be doing key exchanges that a human or time-relevant process will
wait for.

I agree that in hardware, switching to TurboSHAKE won’t typically save as much
because, at least if Keccak is implemented in the most common one-cycle-per-
round configuration, it wont be the bottleneck unless the NTT unit is very large.
In fact, the savings might be almost zero if the XOF and NTT operate in parallel.

TurboSHAKE will also be annoying for hardware designers, because (speaking
as a hardware designer) we will need to alter our accelerators to support it but
as far as I can tell it isn’t spec’d yet.  Since hardware has a long development
cycle, this will mean adding a bunch of extra knobs to the Keccak accelerator
and hoping we picked the right ones.

Overall, I’m not in favor of this change but I don’t think it will be a disaster either.
There will be less risk for hardware projects if you can specify what TurboSHAKE
will look like, possibly even before deciding whether to use it.


Stott, David - 0553 - MITLL

Dec 9, 2022, 10:47:37 AM12/9/22
to Mike Hamburg, Peter Schwabe, pqc-forum, Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen, John Mattsson, Blumenthal, Uri - 0553 - MITLL

Thanks, Mike.


We have looked at a softcore based design with a SHAKE coprocessor (without the NTT acceleration). Our findings support your comments below.

  • The benefit of TurboSHAKE would be very small for HW (12 cycles per keccak-permute round), where our current unoptimized coprocessor interface spends more than 100 cycles transferring data
  • With HW acceleration of SHA3 (SHAKE or TurboSHAKE) the critical path becomes NTT


The actual changes to the code to go to 12 rounds seem rather minor (granted we are not working on a production-quality implementation).


The software-only version, of course, is a different story.





From: <> on behalf of Mike Hamburg <>
Date: Friday, December 9, 2022 at 9:54 AM
To: Peter Schwabe <>
Cc: "Markku-Juhani O. Saarinen" <>, pqc-forum <>, John Mattsson <>, "Blumenthal, Uri - 0553 - MITLL" <>
Subject: Re: [pqc-forum] Kyber decisions, part 1: Symmetric crypto



On Dec 9, 2022, at 1:14 PM, Peter Schwabe <> wrote:


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Jan 24, 2023, 12:14:47 PM1/24/23
to pqc-forum, Peter Schwabe

At the 4th NIST PQC Standardization Conference, Gilles Van Assche gave a talk entitled "12 round-Keccak for secure hashing".  Shortly after, Peter Schwabe asked for feedback (on behalf of the Kyber team) if the generation of the public matrix A should use a 12-round version of Keccak (i.e. "TurboSHAKE") instead of the standard 24-round version.  The main reason for the change would be that using TurboSHAKE would speed up one of the costly subroutines of Kyber by about a factor of 2.  


NIST appreciates the feedback provided back to the Kyber team on the pqc-forum.  There were several advantages and disadvantages pointed out.  We carefully read the arguments, and also discussed the question with our larger crypto team (and not just our PQC team).  We wanted to let you know that we are NOT planning on incorporating a 12-round version of Keccak for any of the PQC standards we are currently working on.  Our reasons for making this decision are provided below.  


While speedups would be welcome, in our view the overall effect on a fully implementation of Kyber (or another PQC algorithm) would likely be modest - something on the order of around 20-25% or so.  However, this would be a significant change to make, which would obviously be occurring after the third round, which means it may not receive as much public scrutiny and analysis.  While the security requirements on the output of a reduced-round version of Keccak used for generating the A matrix are weak, we do not feel they have been completely described and studied.  The Kyber team also pointed out a disadvantage in that moving to a 12-round version of Keccak would require phrasing the function in terms of lower-level functions of FIPS202 instead of simply using one of the SHA3/SHAKE functions.  Considering the above, we did not feel the potential advantages outweighed the disadvantages. NIST encourages further study of TurboSHAKE.

Dustin Moody


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Mar 10, 2023, 1:55:59 PM3/10/23
to, pqc-forum
Dear Dustin, dear NIST PQC team,

> While speedups would be welcome, in our view the overall effect on a
> fully implementation of Kyber (or another PQC algorithm) would likely
> be modest - something on the order of around 20-25% or so. However,
> this would be a significant change to make, which would obviously be
> occurring after the third round, which means it may not receive as
> much public scrutiny and analysis. While the security requirements on
> the output of a reduced-round version of Keccak used for generating
> the A matrix are weak, we do not feel they have been completely
> described and studied. The Kyber team also pointed out a disadvantage
> in that moving to a 12-round version of Keccak would require phrasing
> the function in terms of lower-level functions of FIPS202 instead of
> simply using one of the SHA3/SHAKE functions. Considering the above,
> we did not feel the potential advantages outweighed the disadvantages.

We understand the arguments and think they are reasonable in the context of NIST PQC standardization.

> NIST encourages further study of TurboSHAKE.

Thanks. In other contexts, 12-round SHA-3/SHAKE variants are ready-to-use alternatives, so we made this concrete by posting a definition of the TurboSHAKE function family on the IACR eprint archive: We stress that a large amount of cryptanalysis has been published that provides evidence of the large safety margin of TurboSHAKE. (Yes, even after halving the standard number of rounds, there remains a large safety margin!) Many use cases can benefit from replacing SHA-3/SHAKE functions with TurboSHAKE, especially those on embedded platforms.

Kind regards,
Gilles on behalf of the team

Anjan Roy

Mar 16, 2023, 5:19:20 AM3/16/23
to pqc-forum, Gilles VAN ASSCHE,,
Hi NIST PQC community,

Good day. Hope you're doing well.

> In other contexts, 12-round SHA-3/SHAKE variants are ready-to-use alternatives, so we made this concrete by posting a definition of the TurboSHAKE function family on the IACR eprint archive: We stress that a large amount of cryptanalysis has been published that provides evidence of the large safety margin of TurboSHAKE. (Yes, even after halving the standard number of rounds, there remains a large safety margin!) Many use cases can benefit from replacing SHA-3/SHAKE functions with TurboSHAKE, especially those on embedded platforms.

Here's a Rust library implementation ( ) of TurboSHAKE family of extendable output functions, that I just implemented. Benchmark numbers look good, more details on

Anjan Roy

Adam Langley

Mar 30, 2023, 9:55:19 AM3/30/23
to pqc-forum, Peter Schwabe,
On Saturday, December 3, 2022 at 5:04:05 PM UTC-8 Peter Schwabe wrote:
2.) Should the generation of the public matrix A use a 12-round version
of Keccak ("TurboSHAKE") instead of the standard 24-round version.
This was proposed by the Keccak team and speeds up one of the most
costly subroutines of Kyber by a factor of 2. All properties one
would expect from a hash function are achieved by Keccak with 12
rounds (by a comfortable margin!). Also, the requirements on the
output of this function are rather weak; informally it should look
uniformly random and not interact in weird ways with the lattice
problems. The main disadvantage of moving to a 12-round version of
Keccak is that it requires phrasing the function in terms of
lower-level functions of FIPS202 instead of simply using one of the
SHA3/SHAKE functions.

After discussions, Google believes that 12 rounds of Keccak is preferable for Kyber.



Blumenthal, Uri - 0553 - MITLL

Mar 30, 2023, 10:03:30 AM3/30/23
to Adam Langley, pqc-forum, Peter Schwabe,

Regardless of whether NIST standardizes “TurboSHAKE” or not?






There are two ways to design a system. One is to make it so simple there are obviously no deficiencies.

The other is to make it so complex there are no obvious deficiencies.

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Daniel Apon

Mar 30, 2023, 11:06:07 AM3/30/23
to Blumenthal, Uri - 0553 - MITLL, Adam Langley, pqc-forum, Peter Schwabe,
Maybe Google will move to a non-standard.

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Brent Kimberley

Mar 30, 2023, 11:10:11 AM3/30/23
to Adam Langley, pqc-forum, Peter Schwabe,

Hi @Adam.

I’m looking at figure 4 of FIPS202 (“Table 4: Security strengths of the SHA-1, SHA-2, and SHA-3 functions”.)


Have the security strengths for TurboShake128 and TurboShake256 been documented?


From: 'Adam Langley' via pqc-forum <>
Sent: March 30, 2023 9:55 AM
To: pqc-forum <>
Cc: Peter Schwabe <>; <>
Subject: [pqc-forum] Re: Kyber decisions, part 1: Symmetric crypto


On Saturday, December 3, 2022 at 5:04:05 PM UTC-8 Peter Schwabe wrote:


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Adam Langley

Mar 30, 2023, 12:22:29 PM3/30/23
to pqc-forum, Brent Kimberley, Peter Schwabe,, Adam Langley
On Thursday, March 30, 2023 at 8:10:11 AM UTC-7 Brent Kimberley wrote:

Hi @Adam.

I’m looking at figure 4 of FIPS202 (“Table 4: Security strengths of the SHA-1, SHA-2, and SHA-3 functions”.)

We're not saying anything, in either direction, about other specs and refer to the work that the Keccak team have done about the security properties of 12-round Keccak.

We hope to have experimental support for Kyber in products such as Google Chrome soon, and it will follow the current drafts in using 24-rounds of Keccak.



Bas Westerbaan

Apr 17, 2023, 5:12:41 PM4/17/23
to Peter Schwabe, pqc-forum,
2.) Should the generation of the public matrix A use a 12-round version
    of Keccak ("TurboSHAKE") instead of the standard 24-round version.
    This was proposed by the Keccak team and speeds up one of the most
    costly subroutines of Kyber by a factor of 2. All properties one
    would expect from a hash function are achieved by Keccak with 12
    rounds (by a comfortable margin!). Also, the requirements on the
    output of this function are rather weak; informally it should look
    uniformly random and not interact in weird ways with the lattice
    problems. The main disadvantage of moving to a 12-round version of
    Keccak is that it requires phrasing the function in terms of
    lower-level functions of FIPS202 instead of simply using one of the
    SHA3/SHAKE functions.

Cloudflare believes it's in the best interest of the Internet to have as few (final) variants of Kyber as possible and is comfortable with them using 12-round Keccak.


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