Changes to Template Generator Reports

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Minutiae Interoperability Exchange (MINEX)

Mar 8, 2021, 5:04:02 PM3/8/21
to Minutiae Interoperability Exchange (MINEX)
At its core, MINEX has always been an evaluation of interoperability. Algorithms join the MINEX interoperable matrix by achieving NIST SP 800-76-2 thresholds and adhering to MINEX III testing requirements. To help avoid the appearance of MINEX III as a benchmark-style test and reduce evaluation runtime, NIST will no longer report comparison metrics for non-compliant template generation algorithms. Template generator reports for these algorithms will be limited to template generation timing, minutia counts, and minutia density plots. There will be no comparison report produced for comparison algorithms submitted alongside non-compliant template generation algorithms.

Reporting remains unchanged for compliant algorithms and for PIV-compliant template generation algorithms submitted with a non-compliant comparison algorithm.

Participants interested in a 1:1 fingerprint benchmark test are encouraged to participate in PFT III.
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