I strongly agree with NIST that “if the AEAD takes a
nonce as one of the inputs, then nonce-misuse resistance is an important
property”. As NIST writes, nonce-resistance follows from the definition of
the accordion mode as long as the nonce is encoded as part of the tweak. I
assume the exact property is Misuse-Resistant AE (MRAE) security [1]. I think
MRAE security should be a priotized goal.
Another property that seems to also follow from the definition of the accordion is Robust Authenticated Encryption (RAE) [2]. REA is described in [3] as “being able to find one or more forgeries should not increase the adversary’s ability to make further forgeries”. This seems like a very good property to have and I think it should be a prioritized goal.
In Section 3.3, NIST described Deterministic Authenticated
Encryption (DAE) as a derived function. I am not sure that a DEA mode is needed
or even desired. The key-wrap problem
as described in [1][4] is to provide confidentiality and integrity protection
without the use of nonces and without relying on strong random number
generators. A key wrap encryption function KW(K, P) takes as input a key and a
plaintext and outputs a ciphertext. One solution to the key wrapping problem is
deterministic authenticated-encryption (DAE). It is often stated in key wrap
literature that DAE is OK since the plaintext (key), is random, but this is not
true as encrypting the same key several times (which is very common) leaks significant
information to an attacker.
Now that NIST is
standardizing misuse-resistant
AE, I don’t think DEA is needed anymore. A better solution to the key wrapping
problem using the same interface is to build a hedged key wrap encryption
function as a derived function of a Misuse-Resistant AE (MRAE) encryption
Hedged-KW(K, P):
1. Let N be a random nonce. Let A be the empty string.
2. C’ = MRAE(K, N, P, A)
3. Return C = N || C’
provides strictly better security properties than DAE at the expense of
slightly more message expansion. Even with a very bad random number generator
(RNG), this hedged construction gives IND-CCA2 security with DAE security as a
worst case. The addition of randomness likely also increases security against
side-channel attacks and fault attacks. While not basing security on a strong
RNG is a requirement to key wrap, we don’t think determinism is a requirement,
it just happened to be a feature of the solutions. Hedged key wrap might also
be implemented with a nonce-hiding MRAE. We think NIST should specify an
accordion-based MRAE instead of a DAE. If a dedicated key wrap function is
needed, we think the Hedged-KW described above is preferred over a DAE.
Also for key wrap it would be good if the key wrap algorithm optionally allows the user to specify the amount of padding to hide the length of the key.
John Preuß Mattsson
Expert Cryptographic Algorithms and Security Protocols, Ericsson Research
[1] “Deterministic
Authenticated-Encryption: A Provable-Security Treatment of the Key-Wrap
[2] “Robust Authenticated-Encryption AEZ and the Problem
that it Solves”
[3] “Tweakable Ciphers: Constructions and Applications”
[4] “Request for Review of Key Wrap Algorithms”