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John Dziurlaj

May 10, 2022, 11:09:05 AM5/10/22

Good Morning!


I wanted to share with you that many of the development artifacts for the “mCDF Profile for Contest Selection Capture” have been pushed to GitHub here. Please note that all these documents represent work in progress until merged into the “master” (or another) permanent branch. In addition, documents such as the previously shared “Micro Common Data Format” will not appear here as they are not particular to this mCDF Profile; another home will be found for them.


Documents include instructions for running the mCDF Prototype, an updated mCDF Prototype, a machine readable profile, and SVG image of the UML model. The machine readable (MagicDraw) UML model has also been updated.




John Dziurłaj /d͡ʑurwaj/


Sr. Solutions Architect, The Turnout
Cell 330-714-8935


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