Feature idea: Web Quotebacks!

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Steve Phillips

Jun 9, 2020, 10:12:56 PM6/9/20
to dev
As described at: https://quotebacks.net/

Seems like a great way to spread the word about Hypothes.is -- make the quotes you're annotating embeddable!

Hypothesis is in perfect position to do this, since neither quotebacks.net nor getmemex.com has server infrastructure from which the embeds can be served.

Katelyn Lemay

Jun 10, 2020, 9:32:04 AM6/10/20
to dev, elimi...@gmail.com

Interesting idea - thanks for sharing! 

I believe we have a couple of partners who have built a custom client that embeds annotations in the body of a page rather than showing them in the sidebar - I can definitely see how this could be more widely useful. 

- Katelyn

Chris Aldrich

Jun 10, 2020, 4:44:22 PM6/10/20
to dev, elimi...@gmail.com
This is a great idea, but in keeping with the open source and open data pieces, the model that quotebacks.net is using has some advantages. In their case, they're providing full HTML markup with classes for styling (or markdown as an alternative) along with a small javascript tag which points to one of their servers and handles the look and feel of the "embed". The benefit of this is that if quotebacks.net ever goes away, you'll still be able to see a reasonable fallback of the content on the embedded website, otherwise on a server-only based model, you'll potentially have millions of embeds that break or disappear if the third party server disappears. This is also an embed model used by Twitter and several other social media services.

Since I frequently put most of my Hypothes.is data on my personal website, I'll also offer some UI examples of how I'm manually "embedding" annotations and context: https://boffosocko.com/kind/annotation/. I'm also aware of some other examples previously made by W. Ian O'Byrne here: https://wiobyrne.com/three-examples-annotations-bookmarking/.

On Tuesday, June 9, 2020 at 7:12:56 PM UTC-7, Steve Phillips wrote:
As described at: https://quotebacks.net/

Seems like a great way to spread the word about Hypothes.is -- make the quotes you're annotating embeddable!

Hypothesis is in perfect position to do this, since neither quotebacks.net nor getmemex.com has server infrastructure from which the embeds can be served.
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