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Euroopa Komisjoni Teadusuuringute Ühiskeskus (JRC-
Joint Research Centre) kutsub osalema suvekooli programmis jätkusuutliku rahastamise (Sustainable Finance) teemal.
Üritus toimub 27.-28. juunil hübriidvormis.
Ürituse koduleht on leitav SIIT.
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European Commission – Joint Research Centre
6th Summer School on Sustainable Finance
June 27-28, 2024
Free to attend - Register here
As policy actions to combat climate change gain momentum, and the analysis of climate-related financial risks matures, experts are beginning to shift their focus towards risks associated with nature more broadly, such as those stemming from environmental degradation and biodiversity loss, and the links between sustainability and digital technologies. While continued global disruptions and geopolitical crises may become bumps in the road to a sustainable economy, digital technologies have huge potential in the context of the green transition. There are also increasing opportunities to amplify sustainable finance in emerging and developing economies, despite their limited financial resources and infrastructure. Yet, there is a pressing need for tools and analyses to evaluate relevant risks and their consequences. This includes, for example, the practical execution of stress tests that should investigate environmental risks more broadly, by taking into account value chains, macro-financial feedback loops, and secondary effects. Finally, the integration of the social and governance dimensions into mainstream financial decision-making remains notably inadequate.
In this context, the JRC Summer School on Sustainable Finance brings together academics, policymakers and professionals focusing on the most demanding issues faced by the industry and reaffirming the crucial role of research in informing policy-making.
To follow the event in person or remotely, please register at: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/SustFin2024. Registrations for in-person attendance of the event will be confirmed as soon as possible. Please don’t make any bookings before you receive the confirmation.
Kontakt Eesti Teadusagentuuris
Carmen Kivistik
Teate edastas
Kristi Auli
Välisteaduskoostöö osakond
Eesti Teadusagentuur