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Kordusteade: Euroopa horisont partnerluse „Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking“ (CBE JU) uue taotlusvooru teemasid tutvustav infoseminar 14. mail 2024

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Kristi Auli

May 2, 2024, 4:11:15 AM5/2/24

Hea uudistelisti lugeja


CBE JU on partnerlus Euroopa Liidu ja Bio-based Industries Consortiumi (BIC) vahel, mis rahastab ringbiomajandust edendavaid projekte. Partnerluse eelarve on 2 miljardit eurot. Lisainfo CBE JU kohta: 

CBE JU 2024. a taotlusvoor avanes 24. aprillil ja sulgub 18. septembril 18.00 (CET).

Eesti Teadusagentuur koos Regionaal- ja Põllumajandusministeeriumiga korraldab eestikeelse infoseminari 14. mail kl 10–12, et tutvustada CBE JU partnerlust ja selle 2024. aasta taotlusvooru teemasid.

Osalema on oodatud kõik ring- ja biomajanduse huvilised ning potentsiaalsed taotlejad!

Infoseminar toimub Teamsis ja on hiljem järelvaadatav. Salvestuse link saadetakse registreerunutele. Palume infoseminarile registreeruda: 



10.05–10.35 Sissejuhatus ja CBE tutvustus (ettekanne inglise keeles)

   – Mis on CBE JU, selle eesmärgid

   – 2024. a. taotlusvooru tingimused

   Dieter Brigitta (Circular Bio-based Europe JU)

10.35–10.45 Küsimused

10.45–11.50 Taotlusvooru teemade tutvustus (ettekanded eesti keeles)

   Maarja Soonberg-Kaine (Eesti Teadusagentuur)

   Argo Peepson (Regionaal- ja Põllumajandusministeerium)

11.50–12.00 Küsimused


23. aprillil Brüsselis toimunud CBE JU korraldatud infopäeva salvestuse ja slaidid leiate:

Eesti taotlejatel on võimalik saada oma taotlusele tasuta eelkontrolli. Taotlust kommenteerib ekspert, kes annab tagasisidet, kuidas taotluse kvaliteeti parandada ja seeläbi suurendada projekti rahastamise tõenäosust. Rohkem infot toetusmeetme kohta leiate:



Maarja Soonberg-Kaine (Eesti Teadusagentuur),, tel 5860 3177
Argo Peepson (Regionaal- ja Põllumajandusministeerium),, tel 5692 6963


National infoseminar to introduce the new call topics of Horizon Europe Partnership „Circular Bio-based Europe (CBE JU) on 14 May 2024

The Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU) is a €2 billion partnership between the European Union and the Bio-based Industries Consortium (BIC). Please find more information:

The Call for proposals was launched on 24th of April and the deadline is 18 September 17:00 CET.

The Estonian Research Council, together with the Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture will organize a national infoseminar on 14 May at 10-12 (EEST) / 9-11 (CEST) to introduce the topics of the new Call.

Potential applicants and everyone interested in circular and bioeconomy are welcome to participate!

Infoseminar will take place in Teams. The event will be recorded and a recording link will be sent to registrants after the event. Please register using registration form:



10.05–10.35 Welcome and introduction. CBE JU and CBE JU Call 2024.

What is CBE JU, mission and aims

– Call 2024 – priorities, general rules and conditions

Working language is English.

Dieter Brigitta (Circular Bio-based Europe JU)

10.35–10.45 Q&A

10.45–11.50 Introduction of call themes & content

Working language is Estonian.

Maarja Soonberg-Kaine (Estonian Research Council)

Argo Peepson (Estonian Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture)

11.50–12.00 Q&A


CBE JU Info Day 2024 took place on 23 April in Brussels. Please find the presentations and slides:

Estonian applicants have an opportunity to have a free-of-charge pre-check of the proposal carried out by the experts. Expert will give recommendations on how to improve the quality of the proposal and increase the chances of receiving the funding. More information about the support measure:

More information:

Maarja Soonberg-Kaine (Estonian Research Council),, phone +372 58603177
Argo Peepson (The Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture),, phone +372 5692 6963


Teate edastas

Kristi Auli


Välisteaduskoostöö osakond

Tel: 521 4546

Eesti Teadusagentuur


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