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Arleena Faith

Sep 1, 2022, 5:25:34 PM9/1/22
to general discussion

Everyone, Hi!

This is Arleena and I am looking to connect with the tech community in the city (after moving from LA in 2019 and having spent the past two years mostly in isolation). Joined your group along with several others from I noticed though that most groups seem defunct and had their latest events in 2020 or 2021. Wanted to ask if you knew some cool groups that are more active (online events are fine but prefer in person) that you can recommend to me. 

Also, is your LispNYC group active? I saw your last event was in May. Are you planning more local events? Do you need volunteers to help you or know other groups that need them? I used to volunteer almost every year at SCALE in LA but then I moved to NYC, :-). I would like to be involved again. 

Both Zoe and Arthur have my main email. Please feel free to reach out. Looking forward to meeting you all in person in the near future!

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