2022 Medley Interlisp Annual Report

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Pierre de Lacaze

Dec 23, 2022, 7:49:45 PM12/23/22
to Lisp NYC, lispnyc-...@meetup.com, Clojure NYC
"We have made considerable progress on the Interlisp software preservation project, and we want to offer tours and collaboration for those engaged in similar or related software preservation efforts.

Interlisp was an early and unique software development environment (IDE) developed in the 1970’s and 1980’s at Xerox PARC, and a testbed for novel software development tools. The Medley version of Interlisp-D was built as a portable Virtual Machine, which has allowed us to bring the system forward to run on a wide variety of modern hardware and operating systems.

Interlisp was also an environment that supported many novel applications, especially in Artificial Intelligence of the 1980s.

We are approaching the project as a general software-preservation-through-emulation project, starting with source code. While a “strict emulation” mode is possible, we’ve been focusing on an updated version that fixes some of the compatibility problems with modern hardware (keyboards, mice, etc.) and implements more modern modes of user interaction."


Pierre de Lacaze
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