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Lambda Calculus

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Pierre de Lacaze

Mar 29, 2024, 12:18:58 PM3/29/24
to Lisp NYC, Lisp NYC Meeting, Jay Sulzberger, Zoe Braiterman, Arthur Smyles
Hi Folks,

For those of you curious about the mathematical foundations of Lisp (and Haskell for that matter) I came across these lecture notes while looking for some books on Calculus and Linear Algebra.

We had a wonderful presentation on Lambda Calculus at one of our LispNYC meetups back whewn they were hosted at the HQ in NY

Anyway, just wanted to share...

Cheers ands best regards to all from Paris,

Pierre de Lacaze
(aka Ray)

PS: Zoe or Arthur: Perhaps you could forward a link to the video on Lambda Calculus, I know it was recorded since I was running the video camera back then. 


Kim-Ee Yeoh

Mar 29, 2024, 2:56:44 PM3/29/24
to Pierre de Lacaze, Arthur Smyles, Jay Sulzberger, Lisp NYC, Lisp NYC Meeting, Zoe Braiterman
Hi Pierre,

Thanks for Selinger’s lecture notes. I noticed they have exercises. Maybe it would also be beneficial to suggest a group study to work on them together? “I read and I forget. But if I do then I understand and remember” to paraphrase that quote.

Kim Ee

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