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LispNYC: Beware the Ides of PI

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Arthur Smyles

Feb 27, 2023, 3:38:17 PM2/27/23
It's a rare occasion that the Second Tuesday happens to fall on PI Day,
so we have a special event just for you.

I am pleased to announce that John Tromp will be giving a talk on the
Binary Lambda Calculus on Tuesday, March 14th, 6pm sharp. This will be
an online event (check back on the meetup link for the conference
details on March 14th), so all our national and international Lispnycs
don't need to miss out! John is a Computer Scientist from the
Netherlands who uses the BLC to study algorithm complexity and 
Information Theory, all wrapped up in the loving embrace of our favorite
calculus. It's also been used as a basis for compilers, included a more
featureful Common Lisp like language (LambdaLisp). Links to his work as
well as the RSVP are here, get yourself signed up and ready to go.

And just in case you need to brush up on Lambda Calculus, join our
youtube channel as we take a second look at Dustin Mulcahey's talk on
the Lambda Calculus, premiering tomorrow Feb 28th, 6pm. Your fellow
Lispnycs and I will be on the chat as always. Keep your tab  open:

And after you signed up, spread these links to all your fellow lispers
on your favorite socials.

Don't forget:

    John Tromp, LIVE 3/14

    A second look on Dustin Mulcahey's talk, Feb 28th

Pi never tasted so good...


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