A scheme is afoot at LispNYC...

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Jul 7, 2023, 6:26:17 PM7/7/23
to lispnyc-...@meetup.com, li...@lispnyc.org
I am pleased to announce that on Tuesday, July 11th 2023 at 5:30 pm, Dimitris Vyzovitis will be presenting “A Gerbil's Anatomy” . Gerbil Scheme is a a "dynamic meta dialect of Scheme, built upon the formidable foundation of Gambit Scheme” One of Gamit Scheme’s has many powerful features including an advanced  multi-threading and the ability to create native binaries. Gerbil builds on this core with a “batteries included” approach, with a module system, a bunch of libraries, multiple ways to create your won syteax, and so much more. Dimitris :"vyxo”Vyzovitis will ve giving us a hands on tour of this powerful language.
If you signed up,, check out the meetup page for the online link to join. For the rest, get yourself RSVP’d here: https://www.meetup.com/lispnyc/events/294303720/

Until then, There are some great chats waiting for your reply on our facebook group. Meme away… https://www.facebook.com/groups/lispnyc

See you Tuesday,


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